G1028Z/G1029 Dust Collector -19-
Once assembly is complete and adjustments are
done to your satisfaction, you are ready to test run
the machine.
Turn on the power supply at the main panel.
Press the START button. Make sure that your fin-
ger is poised on the STOP button, just in case
there is a problem. The dust collector should run
smoothly, with little or no vibration or rubbing nois-
es. Strange or unnatural noises should be investi-
gated and corrected before operating the
machine further.
If you cannot easily locate the source of an
unusual noise or vibration, contact our service
department for help.

Test Run

Disconnect power to the
machine when perform-
ing any maintenance,
assembly or adjust-
ments. Failure to do this
may result in serious
personal injury.