3. >chZgii]ZgjWWZg\Vh`ZiWZilZZci]ZXdaaZX" idg VcY djiaZi [aVc\Z! VcY hZXjgZ i]Z [aVc\Z
Note: When connecting parts that have a gas- ket applied to the mounting surface, always tighten the fasteners in a crisscross man- ner to ensure the gasket does not become crimped and the seal compromised.
Eji<Vh`Zi=ZgZ | DjiaZi;aVc\Z |
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Figure 25. Bdjci^c\djiaZi[aVc\ZidXdaaZXidg | |
WdYn# |
4. 6iiVX]i]ZadlZgXdaaZXidghjeedgiWgVX`Zihid | |
i]ZideZY\Zd[i]ZWVhZeaViZjh^c\)*¿&+" | |
AdlZg Hjeedgi 7gVX`Zih
5. HZXjgZi]Z[gdciadlZghjeedgiWgVX`Ziidi]Z | |
6. EaVXZi]ZjeeZghjeedgiWgVX`ZidkZgi]ZgZVg | |
adlZg hjeedgi WgVX`Zi! VcY hZXjgZ i]Zb id | |
Vhh]dlc^cFigure 27# | |
m) | JeeZgHjeedgi7gVX`Zi |
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AdlZg |
Hjeedgi |
7gVX`Zi |
| 8daaZXidg |
Figure 27. Bdjci^c\XdaaZXidgidWgVX`Zih# |
Note: The collector attaches to each sup- port bracket. The inside of the collector is funnel shaped and directs the air around in a cyclone motion. Make sure that the inside taper (funnel) is faced downward and the col- lector inlet faces toward the motor, as shown in Figure 28#
| >ch^YZ |
8daaZXidg7dYn | IVeZg |
Figure 26. Bdjci^c\hjeedgiWgVX`ZiidWVhZ# | Figure 28.8daaZXidgViiVX]ZYidhjeedgi |
| WgVX`Zih# |
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