Site Considerations
Floor Load
GZ[Zgidi]ZMachine Data Sheet[dgi]ZlZ^\]i VcY [ddieg^ci heZX^[^XVi^dch d[ ndjg bVX]^cZ# HdbZ gZh^YZci^Va [addgh bVn gZfj^gZ VYY^i^dcVa gZ^c[dgXZbZci id hjeedgi Wdi] i]Z bVX]^cZ VcY deZgVidg#
Placement Location
8dch^YZg Zm^hi^c\ VcY Vci^X^eViZY cZZYh! h^oZ d[ bViZg^VaidWZegdXZhhZYi]gdj\]ZVX]bVX]^cZ! VcY heVXZ [dg Vjm^a^Vgn hiVcYh! ldg` iVWaZh dg di]ZgbVX]^cZgnl]ZcZhiVWa^h]^c\VadXVi^dc[dg ndjg cZl bVX]^cZ# HZZ Figure 10 [dg i]Z b^c^" bjbldg`^c\XaZVgVcXZh#
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Figure 10.B^c^bjbldg`^c\XaZVgVcXZh# |
Children and visitors may be seriously injured if unsuper- vised around this machine. Lock entrances to the shop or disable start switch or power connection to prevent unsupervised use.
To assemble your dust collector:
1. EaVXZ i]Z WVhZ jeh^YZ Ydlc dc V [aVi! egd" |
iZXiZYhjg[VXZ# |
2. |
m&¿'[aVc\ZWdaih!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 11# |
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Figure 11.8VhiZg^chiVaaZYdcWVhZ# |
3. Ijgc i]Z WVhZ dkZg! Va^\c i]Z bdidg VcY |
^beZaaZg VhhZbWan l^i] i]Z bdjci^c\ ]daZh! |
[aVc\ZWdaih!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 12# |
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Figure 12.BdidgVcY^beZaaZgVhhZbWan^chiVaaZY |
dcidi]ZWVhZ# |
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