2. GZbdkZ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ [gdb WZilZZc i]Z gdaaZgh!i]ZcgV^hZi]ZWdiidbgdaaZgha^\]ianWn gdiVi^c\ZVX]i]^X`cZhhVY_jhi`cdWVeegdm^" bViZan&¿)ijgc#6ahd!bV`ZhjgZi]ZgZVggdaaZg ^h adlZgZY XdbeaZiZan VcY l^aa cdi ^ciZg[ZgZ l^i] i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ Vh ^i Zm^ih i]Z bVX]^cZ Figure 14#
6eegdm^bViZan | 8L |
&¿)Ijgc# |
Figure 14.GV^h^c\WdiidbgdaaZg&¿)ijgc# |
3. L^i] i]Z ]Zae d[ Vc Vhh^hiVci! [ZZY i]Z |
ldg`e^ZXZ ^cid i]Z gdaaZgh l]^aZ ijgc^c\ i]Z |
XgVc`Figure 15# |
Figure 15.;aVigdaa^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ# |
4. 8dci^cjZegdXZhh^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZWngZeZVi" ^c\Steps 2VcY3![a^ee^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZZVX] i^bZjci^ai]ZYZh^gZYgZhjaihVgZegdYjXZY#
Note: Since the rear roller on the Model G5770 does not lower completely out of the path of the workpiece, a slight bend may be created. Flipping the workpiece between passes minimizes the bending effect.
Creating Bends
I]Z BdYZa <*,,% XVc ZVh^an XgZViZ XdchiVci" gVY^jhWZcYh^ch]ZZibZiVajeid''\Vj\Z#
Note:The method for creating a specific radius is
The main rollers of this machine present a pinch- ing hazard. Make sure no body part or clothing is near the area between the rollers. Failure to follow this warning may result in fin- gers, hair, or clothing being pulled into the machine, causing personal injury.
To create a bend in a workpiece:
1.EaVXZ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ WZilZZc i]Z ide VcY WdiidbgdaaZgh! Vhh]dlc ^c Figure 16#Ijgc i]Z i]^X`cZhh VY_jhi `cdWh id gV^hZ i]Z Wdi" idb gdaaZg jci^a i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ ^h ]ZaY hcj\ WZilZZci]ZideVcYWdiidbgdaaZgh#7ZhjgZ id ijgc i]Z i]^X`cZhh VY_jhi `cdWh ZfjVa Vbdjcih#
8L |
Figure 16.GV^h^c\WdiidbgdaaZg# |