Copyright © JULy, 2004 By grizzLy indUstriaL, inC. rEVisEd JUnE 2009 (Cr)
Warning: no portion of this manual may be reproduce d in any shape
or form Without the Written approval of grizz ly industrial, inc.
#Cr6202 printEd in China


Cart size (L x W x h) ...................48" x 24" x 13"
pneumatic Wheel size (h x W) ...........10" x 3
total Lload Capacity ................................350 lbs.
Coating ............................................Epoxy paint.
net Weight .................................................58 lbs.
—hex Bolts M8-1.25 x 18 (axles) ............13
—Locking hex nuts M8-1.25 (axles) .......13
—Flat Washers 8mm (axles) ...................13
suffocation hazard!
immediately discard all plas-
tic bags and packing materi-
als to eliminate choking/suf-
focation hazards for children
and animals.

inventory Qty

a. pneumatic Wheels .....................................4
b. Bed .............................................................1
c. handle ........................................................1
d. steering axle assembly .............................1
e. tag axle assembly .................................... 1
f. handle Joint ............................................... 1
g. receiver .....................................................1
h. steering axle tie Bar .................................1
i. Center strut ................................................1
J. tag axle strut set ......................................1
K. axle and strut Bolt Bag ..............................1
—hex Bolt M8-1.25 x 60 (handle Joint) .... 1
—Locking hex nut M8-1.25 (handle Joint) 1
—Flat Washer 8mm (handle Joint) ............1
—hex Bolt M8-1.25 x 25 (Center strut) .....1
—Locking hex nut M8-1.25 (Center strut) 1
—Flat Washer 8mm (Center strut) ............ 1
—nut Wrench .............................................1
figure 1. inventory.
if any nonproprietar y par ts are missing (e.g. a
nut or a washer), we will gladly replace them; or
for the sake of expediency, replacements can be
obtained at your local hardware store. If you need
help with your new item, call our Tech Support at:
(570) 546-9663.
never carry people or animals in this cart.
adult supervision is mandatory while this
wagon is being used by children. do not
attempt to modify this cart to increase load
capacity or overinflate the tires. do not load
this cart in a manner where the cart will
become top heavy and fall over when pull-
(for MoDELS ManufacturED aftEr 3/05)
model g8154nursery platform trucK
