H3263—5 Pc. Quick Coupler Set
Figure 7. H3263 Quick Coupler Set.
H3275—1⁄4" x 25' Coil Hose
These recoil hoses stay neatly coiled when not in use, yet stretch to full length when needed. Great for
Figure 8. H3275 Coil Hose.
Wood dust is now considered a known carcino- gen and has been linked to nasal cancer and severe respiratory illnesses. If you work around dust everyday, a
Figure 9. Half-mask respirator and disposable
cartridge filters.
G9955—Bench Top Dual Fan Dust Filter
Two separately switched fan motors can be used to draw a maximum 400 CFM of your dusty shop air though the 5 micron pleated filter. Perfect for sanding and power carving, the clear plastic hood helps to direct flow from the work area directly into the filter.