Punch & Die
>[ndjcZZYidX]Vc\Zi]Zh^oZd[i]Z]daZhWZ^c\ ejcX]ZYdg^[i]ZejcX]dgY^Z]VhWZXdbZldgc! ndjbjhigZeaVXZi]ZejcX]VcYY^Z#
To change the punch and die:
1. AddhZci]ZY^ZVY_jhibZciWdaihVcYgZbdkZ
i]ZY^ZFigure 10.
9^Z6Y_jhibZci 7daih'd[)
Figure 10. Die removal (side plate removed for
2. IVei]ZejcX]e^cjci^a^ibdkZh[gZZan!WjiYd cdi[jaangZbdkZ^iFigure 11#
Figure 11. Punch pin removal (side plate
removed for clarity).
3. =daYi]ZejcX]l^i]VgV\dg\adkZh!i]Zc[jaan gZbdkZi]ZejcX]e^cidgZaZVhZi]ZejcX]#
4. Ha^YZ i]Z cZl ejcX] ^cid i]Z bVX]^cZ! i]Zc gZeaVXZ i]Z ejcX] e^c id hZXjgZ i]Z ejcX]# 6a^\ci]Z[aViedgi^dchd[i]ZejcX]VcYejcX] e^c#JhZ\adkZhdgVgV\VcYea^Zghid]daYi]Z ejcX]Yjg^c\^chiVaaVi^dcFigure 12#
Figure 12. Installing punch.
5. EaVXZ i]Z cZl Y^Z ^cid i]Z bVX]^cZ! i]Zc adlZgi]Z]VcYaZl]^aZVY_jhi^c\i]Zedh^i^dc d[ i]Z Y^Z hd i]Vi i]Z ejcX] [^ih ^cid i]Z Y^Z Figure 13#
| 9^Z6Y_jhibZci |
| 7daih'd[) |
EjcX] |
| |
| |
Figure 13. Punch and die alignment (side plate
removed for clarity).
6. 8VgZ[jaani^\]iZci]ZY^ZVY_jhibZciWdaihhd i]Vii]ZY^Z^hhZXjgZYl]^aZgZbV^c^c\XZc" iZgZYVgdjcYi]ZejcX]#
Note: Pay close attention to the alignment of the die and punch while tightening the die adjustment bolts. If you overtighten one of the bolts, you will force the die against the punch, causing damage to the machine.