Assembly |
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Vhi]ZnVgZh]dlc^cFigure 10# |
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Figure 10#BdYZaI'))+(heVg`YZ[aZXidg!hV[Zin |
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Note: The tool rests on Model T24464 attach using (1)
Spark Deflector Adjustment
I]ZheVg`YZ[aZXidgegZkZcihheVg`h[gdbh]dlZg" ^c\i]Zided[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#6hi]Zl]ZZalZVgh! VY_jhi i]Z heVg` YZ[aZXidg XadhZg id i]Z \g^cY^c\ l]ZZa id bV^ciV^c V \Ve d[
Figure 11. HeVg`YZ[aZXidg\Ve#
Tool Rest Adjustment
I]ZiddagZhihiVW^a^oZhi]Zldg`e^ZXZl]Zc\g^cY" ^c\#>ibjhiValVnhWZedh^i^dcZYXdggZXianl]Zc jh^c\ i]Z \g^cYZg# 6h i]Z \g^cY^c\ l]ZZa lZVgh! VY_jhii]ZiddagZhiXadhZgidi]Z\g^cY^c\l]ZZaid
Figure 12. BdYZaI'))+(iddagZhi\Ve#
NEVER grind without the tool rest in place and properly positioned. "Free hand" grind- ing or too large of a gap between the wheel and the tool rest increases the risk of kick- back, which may lead to serious injury.
Some grinding wheels must be replaced before the spark deflector or the tool rest reach their final adjustment. As the diam- eter of a grinding wheel is reduced, so is the available surface speed. Grinding under these conditions can lead to faster abrasive loss and poor grinding results. Always fol- low the wheel manufacturer's directions.