The Hafler TA1100 & TA1600 (Trans*Amp) are two channel, two rack height, convec-
The circuitry used in the TA1600 is the latest refinement of our patented trans*nova (TRANSconductance NOdal Voltage Amplifier, US Patent 4,467,288) circuit. It has been proven to offer sound quality to satisfy the most analytic audiophile or the most demanding professional. The natural sound and realistic reproduction have made trans*nova amplifiers the choice in critical installations. They have proven extremely fault tolerant even in abusive situations. This ruggedness enables the amplifier to drive reactive speaker loads without the performance and sound penal- ties imposed by elaborate protection schemes.
The TA1100 trans*ana (TRANSconductance Active Nodal Amplifier) circuitry has been very successful in bringing new levels of clarity and intelligibility to many broadcast facilities and headphone monitoring installations. Even at low power lev- els, the trans*ana MOSFET amplifier circuit imitates the accuracy and warmth of its bigger brother, the TA1600 trans*nova.
Specialized circuits in both amplifiers prevent damage to the amplifiers and speak- ers, without affecting the audio signal. A soft start circuit prevents sending potential- ly destructive
work monitors the heatsink and transformer temperature, and shuts down the amplifier to protect from excessive operating heat. The need for internal fuses has been eliminated. A sensing circuit monitors the output signal and shuts down oper- ation when it detects a short in the output load.
In addition, LED indicators give a visual representation of the operating status of each channel. Any type of fault (clipping, short protection, or thermal standby) will be indicated with a red LED.
Hafler manufactures additional professional and home theatre amplifiers and moni- tors that offer an extreme level of performance and advanced technology. Visit our website at www.hafler.com for more information