Refrigerator compartment Home bar

Stocking example

Foods should be grouped according to
the various temperature ranges in the
refrigerator compartment.
(1) Eggs, butter, cheese
(2) Tinned drinks and foods, seasonings
(3) Drinks, bottles
(4) Preserves
(5) Meats
(6) Flours, preserves, milk
(7) Processed meats, sausage
(8) Fruits, vegetables, lettuce

Removing the veggie drawer cover

First, lift the rear of the shelf in direction (1),
and then pull the shelf out in direction (2).
Finally, tilt the shelf in direction (3) and
remove the veggie drawer once the door is
open 90º.

Do not remove the inner cover of

the home bar.

The home bar will not operate if the
cover has been removed.

Keep children away from the home


Otherwise children could be
injured and the home bar
Note: The home bar can be used
without opening the appliance door;
which saves energy. Close the home
bar as soon as possible to keep the cold
inside the appliance. The warning
system is activated if the door is not
properly closed.