Warning! If you detect any air leaks, power loss, the Nailer skips driving, drives too deep, or not deep enough, take the Nailer to a qualified service technician for repair.
Note: Have the following problems repaired by a qualified service technician.
1.Problem: Air leaking at trigger valve area.
Probable Cause: Damaged
Solution: Replace
2.Problem: Air leaking between housing and nose.
Probable Cause: Loose screws in housing, damaged
Solution: Tighten screws or replace
3.Problem: Air leaking between housing and cap. Probable Cause: Loose screws or damaged gasket. Solution: Tighten Screws or replace gasket.
4.Problem: Runs slowly or has power loss.
Probable Cause: Nailer insufficiently oiled, broken spring in cylinder cap, exhaust part in cap is blocked.
Solution: Lubricate moving parts (Magazine, Nose, and Trigger assemblies), install new spring, Replace damaged internal parts.
5.Problem: Nailer skips driving nails.
Probable Cause: Worn or dirty bumper, damaged pusher spring, inadequate air flow, worn or dry
Solution: Replace bumper or pusher spring, clean bumper and drive channel, check fittings, replace or lubricate
6.Problem: Nails are jammed in Nailer nose.
Probable Cause: Guide on driver is worn. Wrong size or damaged Brads, loose magazine or nose screws, damaged driver.
Solution: Replace guide, use recommended, undamaged Brads, tighten screws, replace driver.
7.Problem: Nail will not drive down tight.
Probable Cause: Insufficient air pressure, rounded driver blade causing slippage, power loss, slow cycling and power loss.
Solution: Adjust air pressure, replace blade, check spring under cap for broken coils or reduce length, check if cap in exhaust port is restricted.
8.Problem: Driving Brad too deeply.
Probable Cause: Worn bumper or piston spacer.
Solution: Replace either or both parts.
Warning! Disconnect the Nailer from the air compressor whenever loading or servicing. After disconnecting the Nailer from the air compressor, there could still be enough air pressure to fire the Nailer. Always fire the trigger repeatedly to make sure all of the air is expended.
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