wArNINg: This stove must be installed in accor-
dance with all state and local building code require-
locating the stove
Locate the stove as close to the chimney or ue as
possible, while still maintaining the clearances to com-
Locate the stove where there is sufcient air supply for
ventilation and proper combustion.
Clearance to Combustibles
Safe stove clearance to combustible walls is 24” to
the rear and 36” to the sides and front. Do not place
furniture and the like directly in front of the stove.
Floor Protection
Floor protection for a combustible oor should con-
sist of 3/8” millboard or a stove board providing equal
protection(k=.84, R=.45). The oor protection should
extend 8” to the rear and either side and 16” in front of
the stove. The oor protection should also extend 2” to
either side of the chimney connector, to the wall where
the connector enters the ue.
Floor Protection
Floor Protection
Adjustable leveling Feet
To accomodate an un-even hearth surface, the SF250
is equipped with adjustable leveling feet. Each foot
can be turned in or out of the leg to lower or raise that
corner of the stove.
Turn the round foot in or out to
level each corner of the stove.
It is recommended that you have your unit installed
and serviced by professionals who are certied by the
National Firplace Institute (NFI) as NFI Specialists.