We hope you enjoy your new Beet Bat 6000mHitClipsmPlayer. This rolR'and rodcln'robot dances
andspins to the inserted Hips""
micro music dip. Beat Bot 6000'
turnsand twists,slides and glides
while the music plays!Will you be able to keep up?
Includes. Beat Bot 6O0OmtlKl@sWPlayer
HitClipsN M i a o Music Clip
1.Playlstop button: hess the Play button to StarVStop the
2.HitClipsmmusk slot:
The Mode W e n Bunon is located behind Beat Eat 6000~'shead. By defautl lhis buttonis set ti the DANCE mode. Beat Bat 600ON will dancewhena H i i i p is i m e d and played.
you could mow the button lo tne MUSIC powuon In thlb triode. Beat 60160WWmlo iwt aance Only me nlcUlp.9'muslc mll be played
TOWm Beat Eal6000'"off, move the bunon to me OFF position.
Cardully msen h e HWlps' cn p nto the slot P a y and slop by PresvnQh e PlaylStop odum When n dance mode. Beat 8016000 will
1.Unscrew b r y door. lsee diagram1
2.Remove used batteries and dispose of properly.
3.Insert 3 new W L R 6 batteries
4.Replace batteries door and tighten screw
Do not mix old and new batteries.
.Do not mix alkaline. standard lcarbonrind, or rechargeablebatteries
Batteries installation should be done by an adull.
NowechargaaMebanede3wenotto be recharged.
Remargeablebatteries are to be remwed from the lop before being recharged (if removable).
Rdageable batteries are oniy to be charged under adult supervision lif removablel
.Only bmtmes of the same or equivalenttype as recommendedare to be used.
Batteries are to be inserted with correct polarity
Exhaustedbatteries are to be removedham the toy.
T h e supply terminals are not to beShoRCirwiled.
.Do not dispose of batteries in fire as batteries may explode or leak.