The first player to score 200 points wins!
Want to try and make h n g s a little more challenging? Instead of returning all dice to the cup after a player forms a word, in the Advanced Play, any unused dice are passed (with the current letters up) to the next player. This player then draws the remaining dice (up to a total of 7) and rolls them. This allows players to choose which letters to leave for their opponents.
Visit our website at for tips as well as a two and three letter word list to boost your average score!
We will be happy to hear your questions or comments a h u t thisgame. US consumers please write to: Hasbro Games, Consumer Affairs DepL, P.O. Box 200, Pawtucket, RI 02862. Tel:
SCRABBLE, the assoc~atedlogo, the deslgn of the dutinctlve SCRABBLEbrand gameboard, and the disunctive letter dice designs are trademarksof Hasbro in the United States and Canada. @ZOO6 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862. All Rights Reserved. TM & O denote U.S. Trademarks.
i | In thig variation of the SCRABBLE@game, players form | |
interlocking words, crossword fashion, on the 9 x 9 playing | ||
I | ||
| mat using 12 letter dice instead of letter tiles. The letters on | |
| the dice have different values on them, similar to the |
ISCRABBLE tiles. In 60 seconds or less, players must form
I | words with the letters that they roll. |
Be the first to score 200 points by forming high scoring words, taking advantage of the value of the letter dice as well as the premium squares on the mat.
c o m m
SCRABBLE playmat 12 Letter dice Sand timer Storage cup and lid Score pad 1 Pencil