Remove dice from the blister and place them in the storage cup. Roll for the first play. Each player takes a die and rolls it. The player with the die that has the letter closest to ''A"plays first. A blanln die be& any letter. Return the dice to the cup.


Diagonal words are not allowed. If the-

hidher word on the mat when time is up, h&e loses the hlm andplaypa9sestotbleft.

After playing a word, the player places any remaining dice back in the cup and recods hidher score. S,m SCORING on page 4. Play passes to the left.

The second player, and then &&$I player in hxn, draws 7 dice from the cup and rolls them.N- if there are less tbm7 dice, the player uses all the dice in the cnp Players can never rollmore than 7 ace. Once the dice are rolled, the timer is started. This time, however, the player must add one or more letters to the word already played to form a new word(s). All letters played must be placed in one row a m s or down the board to form at least one complete word. If, at the same time, they touch other letters in an adjacent row,

these must form complete words, crw~s.wdWon, also.

The player gets full credit for all wmds modified on hidher turn. See EXAMPLES OF W9RD lsCRRMAl7ON

AND SCORING onpages 6-7.

Challenging a Word

Before the game begins, players should agree on which dictionary they willuse, in case of a challenge. All words labeled as a part of speech (including those listed of foreign origin, and as archaic, obsolete, colloquial, slang, etc.) are permitted with the exception of the following: words always capitalized,abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes standing alone, words requiring a hyphen or an apostrophe.

Any play may be challenged before the next player starts a turn.If the play challenged is unacceptable, the challkfged ' player takes back hidher dice and loses that turn.If the piay challenged is acceptable, the challengerloses hisfher next turn. All words (notjust one) made in one play are challenged simultaneously. If any word is unacceptable, the entire play is unacceptable. Only one turn is lost on any challenge. Consult the dictionary for challenges only.

Here's where things get "SCRAMBLED"

Once the word is formed and the score calculated, the player REMOVES the letters that were present at the start of hislher turn, minus any letter that was used to form the new word, and returns them to the dice cup. Therefore, there is never more than one word on the board at the start of a turn.


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