Letters & Numbers Game(P
Play along with Mickey Mouse and the Clubhousegang!
There are two versions of this fun learninggame.
Inthe first game you'll learn and match numbersto your gameboard.
Inthe second game you'll learn and match letters while you buildwords! Hot diggity dog! Both games are tons of fun, so are you ready? Everyone say, "Yes!"
Have mom or dad help you punch out the gameboardsand 60 letterlnumber tokens from the partssheets, Pleaserecyclethe waste.
Place all of the letterlnumbertokens intothe token bag,Shake the bag well to mix
up all of the tokens.
Each player selects one gameboard- Place any unused gameboards b a c w Inthe box.
J Choose which game to pla$=dJ MJGRWS NUMBERSGAME or "''