WinTV-USBInstallation and Reference Manual

application is started by clicking either:





Double click the speaker icon in System tray (found normally in the lower right hand corner of your computer screen).

You should see Line-In balance as one of the selections. If not, then click on

Options/Properties and under Show the following volume controls check Line-In. Then click OK.

You should now see a selection for Line-In Balance. Make sure the Select box is checked, then raise the volume to about 1/2 of the way to the top. This should be a good starting point for the volume control.

If Line-In is muted or not selected, unmute or select it to hear audio from the WinTV USB.

In the WinTV application under the Configure/Audio menu (in WinTV200 click on the AUD button), the Mixer ID should be set at Line-In.

As you adjust the audio volume in the application, you should see the slide bar in the Volume Control window rise and fall.
