You need to replace the batteries when:
1. The “low battery” icon appears on the display.
2. The “POWER” button is pushed and nothing appears on the display.
Note: Discard used Alkaline batteries as directed by your local
environmental codes.
HOW TO USE: Helpful Tips
Here are a few tips to help you obtain more accurate readings:
• Do not measure your blood pressure immediately after consuming a
large meal. To obtain more accurate readings, please wait one hour
before measuring.
• Do not smoke or drink alcohol before measuring your blood pressure.
• You should not be physically tired or exhausted when taking
• It is important that you relax during measurement. Try to take
a15-minute rest before taking a reading.
• Do not take measurements if you are under stress or under tension.
• Take your blood pressure at normal body temperature. If you are
feeling cold or hot, wait a while before taking a measurement.
• If the monitor is stored at very low temperature (near freezing),
haveit placed at a warm location for at least one hour before using it.
Wait about 5 minutes before taking a SECOND blood pressure
Usted debe cambiar baterías cuando:
1. El símbolo de “batería baja” aparece en la pantalla.
2. Usted presiona el botón “POWER” y no aparece nada en la pantalla.
Nota: Descarte las baterías Alcalinas usadas como lo indican
lasnormas ambientales locales.
COMO SE USA:Consejos Utiles
Aquí le damos unos consejos útiles para ayudarle a obtener lecturas más exactas:
No mida su presión arterial inmediatamente después de ingerir una comida
copiosa. Para obtener lecturas más exactas, por favor espere una hora antes
de medirse.
No fume ni ingiera alcohol antes de medirse la presión arterial.
No se tome la medición cuando usted esté físicamente agotado o cansado.sted dTD3333 -2 TDEs immástiera quedición •No se tom2 Trocur