Thank you for selecting the HEALTHRIDER® PRO | reading this manual, please see the front cover of this |
H500i treadmill. The PRO H500i treadmill offers an im- | manual. To help us assist you, note the product model |
pressive array of features designed to make your | number and serial number before contacting us. The |
workouts at home more enjoyable and effective. And | model number is found on the front cover of this man- |
when you’re not exercising, the unique PRO H500i | ual. The serial number is found on a decal attached to |
treadmill can be folded up, requiring less than half the | the treadmill (see the front cover of this manual for the |
floor space of other treadmills. | location of the decal). |
For your benefit, read this manual carefully before | Before reading further, please review the drawing |
you use the treadmill. If you have questions after | below and familiarize yourself with the labeled parts. |
Fan |
Dumbbell/Water Bottle Holder* | Console |
Handgrip Pulse Sensor | Key/Clip |
| Handrail |
Storage Latch |
Upright | Reset/Off |
| |
| Circuit Breaker |
Walking Belt | Power Cord |
Foot Rail
Cushioned Walking Platform for maximum exercise comfort
Rear Roller | *No water bottle is included |
| |
Adjustment Bolts |