BEACON MICROPROCESSOR SETTINGS (See Table 3 for more details.)
Selections to be made by applying movable jumpers:
Defrost cycles or time - Controlled by the board in master unit only. Selection must be either “elapsed”
time or “run” time. If “elapsed” time is selected, the number of defrost must be set at either 1, 2, 4 or 6 per
day. If no selection is made, default is 4 defrosts per day. If “run” time is selected, the compressor run
time must be set at either 2, 3, 6, or 12 hours. If no selection is made, default is 3 hours compressor run
Superheat - Controlled by each board in each evaporator. Selection must be either 6, 8, or 12° F. Close
coupled systems will require the higher superheat selections. If no selection is made (no movable jumper
applied) the preprogrammed default is 8° F superheat.
Defrost fail-safe - Controlled by board in master unit. Each board should have the same setting on
multi-evap systems. Must be either 10, 20, 30, 40, or 60 minutes . If no selection is made, default is 30
Medium or low temperature - All evaporators must have the same settings for the application. For
example, on a master/slave application, all the units must have the same setting. (i.e. for medium tem-
perature they must all be set at medium).
Test or normal - Factory set at normal. Test is also used to check board for proper function.
Type 2 or type 1 - Are not used.
Do not select.
Reset time or normal - Resets all internal timers back to zero as though the unit was just powered up.
Keep jumper on normal except for momentary move to reset position. If jumper is left on RESET position,
the four minute off time will be set to zero on power up.
Forced defrost or normal - Forced defrost is used momentarily to force an extra defrost. It will not reset
the regularly scheduled defrost. Select the normal position. Note that, when initiated, the four minute.
“Hold off” and “Hold on” cycles will be in effect.
Defrost end temperature - Select either 50, 70, or 90° F. If no selection is made, preprogrammed
default is 50° F.
Be aware that the Beacon system does not normally require a condenser flooding valve and is capable of
operating at lower than normal condensing temperature. The condensing pressure will be raised by fan
cycling only when needed to lower evaporator superheat to the selected value.
The system does not require a winter charge. If the ambient is above 75° F, charge just until the sight-
glass clears. When charging in colder ambients, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of air going
through the condenser with the fans still running. Simply reduce the effective face area to raise the discharge
pressure above the equivalent 105° F. condensing temperature and then proceed to charge to clear the sight-
glass. Return to full condenser face area and allow the system to balance.