3 – Bluetooth Profiles
NOTE: The BT Network Adapter on the PANU side must be set to obtain
an IP address automatically. The IP address is in the form of
192.168.50.xxx, such as
Figure 16: Accessing the Internet via a NAP

3.10 Serial Port

The Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) provides PCs, laptops, PDAs, GPS receivers, cordless
serial adapters and other Bluetooth enabled devices with a virtual serial port, enabling them to
connect with each other wirelessly via Bluetooth instead of with a serial cable.
BlueSoleil supports four Bluetooth Serial Ports for outgoing connections and two Bluetooth
Serial Ports for incoming connections.
Typical Usage
Connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices via the Serial Port
Connect to a PDA -
Step 1: Connect to the PDA's Serial Port service, following the instructions in
Chapter 2.4, Establish Connection.
Step 2: Use ActiveSync or any other application that uses a serial connection.
BlueSoleil 1.4.9 Page 23