If the VCR is connected viaAerial input it
issuggested to use Programme 0.
DecoderCable TV offers you a wide choice of pro-
grams. Most of them are free, others are to
be paid for by the viewer. This means that
you will need to subscribe to the broadcast-
ing organisation whose programmes you
wish to receive. This organisation will supply
you a corresponding decoder unit to allow
the programmes to be unscrambled.
For further information ask your dealer. See
also the booklet supplied with your decoder.
Connecta decoder with an aerial socket
tothe TV
•Connect the aerial cable.
Connecta decoder without an aerial
socketto the TV
•Connect the decoder to the TV with a Scart
cableto S CART 1.
TV AndVideo Recorder•Connect the aerial cables.
Better picture quality can be obtained if you
also connect a Scart cable to SCART sock-
Playback NTSCTouse this optionyou can;
• Connectan NTSC VCR player to a Scart
socketat the rear side of the TV.
•Conne ct an NTSC VCR player to RCA Jacks
atthe rear side of the TV.
Then, press the button to select appro-
priate source.
CopyFacilitySource selection for VCR recording.
•Select Feature me nu.
•Select Ext-2 O ut bypressing _/
•Select a source to copy the picture from that
Search For And Store The TestSignal Of TheVideo Recorder• Unplug the aerial cable from the aerial
socket ofyour video rec order.
•Switch on your TV and put the video recorder
onthe test signal. (See the booklet for your
video recorder.)
•Enter the Install m enu and select search.
•Search for the test signal of your video re-
corderin the s ame wayas you sea rched for
andstored the TV signals. Store the test sig-
nal under programme number 0.
– Replace the aerial cable in theaerial
socketof your video recorder once you have
stored the tests ignal.
Camera AndCamcord erToConnec t ToAV InputConnect your camera or camcorder to AV
(EXT-5)input at the rear side of the TV.
• Connect your equipment to the T V via VID EO
(yellow),AUDIO R (red) and AUDIO L (white)
inputs.You must connect the jacks to the in-
putusing the same colour.
ToConnect To S-VHS InputConnect your camera or camcorder S-VHS
inputat the rear side of the TV.
•Connect your equipment to the TV via S-VHS
input and audio inputs ofAV inputs by using
S-VHSc ables.
Connect The DecoderTo TheVideo RecorderSome video recorders have a special Scart
socketfor decoder.
•Connect a Scart cable to the Scart socket o f
yourdecoder and to the special Scart socket
ofyour video recorder. Refer to the booklet
ofyour video recorder.
•To connect your video recorder to the TV,re-
ferto the TV and Video Recorder section.
If you want to connect more equipment to
yourTV, consult your dealer.
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