Content of the Washing Process
■ This part describes the process of each process.
■ ( ) indicates it may be manually switched within the range contained in the bracket by pressing the buttons. No ( ) means no switch.
( )中表示用各按鈕可切換的範圍。無( )表示不能進行切換。
| Automatic setup |
| Rinsing |
| Required duration | |||||||||
Process | Washing | 沖洗 | Spinning | (approximate) | ||||||||||
of water level | ||||||||||||||
程序 | 洗衣 | Round 1 | Round 2 | 脫水 |
| 所需時間 | ||||||||
自動設定的水位 |
| |||||||||||||
| 第一次 | 第二次 |
| (大約) | |||||||
| |||||||||
| |
| Sprinking rinsing |
| ||
NORMAL | 50~25L | 15 min | 噴淋沖洗 | 儲水沖洗 | 6~3 min |
| 48 min |
| ||
標準 | (50~25L) |
| (63~28 min) | |||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| 儲水或注水沖洗 |
| ||
| |
| ||||
BLANKET | 50L | 25 min | 6 min |
| 65 min | |||||||
| (65~56 min) | |||||||||||||
被毯 | (50~25L) |
| 儲水沖洗 | 儲水沖洗 |
| ||||||||
| |||||
| |
WOOL | 30L | 9 min |
| |||
1 min |
| 36 min |
| ||||||
儲水沖洗 | 儲水沖洗 |
| |||||||
毛絨 | (30~25L) |
| |||
| |||
| |
| no rinsing |
| ||
SPEEDY | 25L |
| 無沖洗 |
| ||
3 min | 3 min |
| 12 min |
| |||||
| ||||||||
快速 | (30~25L) |
| (45~28 min) | |||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| 儲水或注水沖洗 |
| ||
| |
| |||
SOAK | 50~25L |
| 儲水沖洗 | 儲水沖洗 |
| |
60 min | 6 min |
| 100 min |
| |||||||
| ||||||||||
浸洗 | (50~25L) | (122~85 min) | ||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| 儲水或注水沖洗 |
| ||
| ||
| 2 h |
| ||||
| - | - | - | - |
| 2 h 13 min | ||||||||
| |
| ||
風乾 | - | - | - | - | 1 h |
| 1 h 6 min |
| ||||||
■Time required for washing
• The washing time includes the time of charging (volume of
15L per minute) and draining (standard condition).
洗衣時間包括供水時間(供水量每分鐘 15L)和排水時間 (標準狀態)。
•The washing time depends on the water pressure, washing quantity and drainage condition etc.
•In the "NORMAL", "SOAK" processes, the washing machine determine the optimum washing mode by checking the load
and texture of the washings. The time shown in the above
table are ones in standard condition.(marked with ).
表示) 下的時間。
•There are certain errors between the "washing time" &
"spinning time" and the actual operation time.
•Some processes, the washing machine will stir the clothes after final spinning for fluey effect. (stirring may not be made for some washing loads.)
有些程序在最終脫水結束後,會進行攪拌以理順衣物,達到 疏鬆效果。(有的洗衣量不能進行此攪拌)
■Change of the options in the modes
•( ) indicates it may be manually switched within the range contained in the bracket by pressing the buttons.
( )中表示用各按鈕可手動切換的範圍。
•Options in modes can't be changed after the completion of the "washing" process.
•Changes can't be made during the period from the begin- ning of charging to the time when the level of charged water reach the stated standard.
從供水開始到水位達到規定水位的過程中,也不能進行更 改。
■Switch of modes
•Modes can't be switched after the starting of washing machine. If it is necessary to switch, please cut off the
power supply first, and then proceed with the switch.
不能在動後切換程序。如需更改,請切斷電源後再進行程 序切換。