Hitachi BD-155EX ruËftÍiÉtËt, il.û, !À, fCffiF* FËrEÊgF¡lä Ë1 -#ËE+ tnßtßBt4!+, Aution

Models: BD-155EX

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.fCffiF*;FËrEÊgF'¡lä "Ë1" -#ËE+(tnßtßBt4!+) '


ìE*tÊ!Ë)å csr


a When the use¡ wants to cancel the ON sett¡ng ot the humid¡ty color sign (¡,e,, when desir¡ng to turn it olf). Pr€ss llre s\r'ings\vilch ¿trrl lan ss ttch aL [he \ane L¡nre continiloil\ly l0r norc thtn 3 Jecon(ls

/\ short hu¿zc¡ so[Dd\ oncc whcr the \ctlitÌ-( is c{Dùelled

TI ON sctljn{ of lhc hurniclity colcr sigr is canccllctl, lhc aP¡ropr iare hr¡nri(lily is noL rìispla¡,erJ rvhilc Lhr- rlehu¡¡idillcution ts ¡¡ ol)ù¡ît¡oD

(1'hchurnitlity color sign is scL t(ì Lu¡ n oil wh.n rhc ilchur¡itlificr is plug-uotl ir)

.fCffiF*;FËrEÊgF'¡lä "Ë1" -#ËE+(tnßtßBt4!+) '

FlIËilä l. lii'lÉ]rtr'dHii.fIlûtìi.RÈlf#Jlfllí'ûíillt: "

Yll\ft¡il:¡t1þ'firllj4lfrll^r]'å r -j('

"DFI" jllii¿Cl,¿,Ë



'l^ì¡lir[+$l ,I'1,]ig'¡¡rìfll.{ú'¡ü?r:l

('ç!liI¡l,VÈilil6¡r li',ítìi1l&ìN!¿ÈÃú4t14il;lirj¿rË):þ "liÍ1" )

a When the user wants to set the ON setting (i.e., when desir¡ng to turn it on), PcrÌìrnth¡ sîr¡.lìroccdu¡cs¡s thc rl¡ovc, caneclling rncthorl will be bilck t) thc ù-ctting stâte

.tBæãtËÊ "Ë1" É. (tEÆ*tlÊtË)

#IRrìdlft4r,^ÍìÅfl fi fnnft,tü-v;'trÍt:Ì.iþfr'ffiÊtrtuR,*ñ,:rl)E .

X Uven ¡l Lhe scttiilg is crncelled jt llashes whcn rhc w¡tcr beconrcs lìrLl (Èreen)

x llllfdÂiÉltî;Qiii ''-nzl'ÌÍüG'*fi)tt;j1]tþl;1Æ"


How to move casterc


a Molc tho uDit usiDg cdsters (4 whecls)

O l.jlt dcl[mriclitìdr b ilrove it rvhcD

therc is huiSlrl

X'l'ltccrstcrs ern bc rnovcd horizontull¡,only

rlill'etenceo¡ strirs



o;,51tIll¡4r*î \ l,fln) tl.ítú)t.

a É ïn,'¡f 'lñ'i''¡\ lli vÀ¡:ij lrt T

I :, F tÐtÌfjt¡î'

x li ]t +î0 t -!i2M'Ít Ë ti')Ír'Iilt'

¡ii liJJ,l,!,in1þþ flt, Z .



O Before the d6hum¡dif¡er is moved, stop the operation, dra¡n water ¡n the water receptacle, and re-¡nslall lhe water receplacle.

Lhc dehum id i lìer ¡s nìoYcd w ì I h thr coDl¿i nÈÌr I I water, wtter conìcs ouL ol- rhe wtler I ecÈlLele änd

il rnal,wet the lloor

a Do not t¡lt the dehumid¡fier when moving ¡t,

Thc floor nrav l¡e tl¡¡n¡led or tDa) lct s'ctdùc ¡(ì\\,aLer spillcrl lit¡ilt the clehunridillcr

O When moving the dehumidif¡er, make sure the automat¡c louver is closed, and move ¡t w¡th the handle ra¡sed,

Tf movi[g ¡t with the tutomîtic louver opened tnd tr ith the hnndlc ¡aised, your tingcrs nìty bc crught bet\rcer the handle dnd thc il!k,¡Datic lotrver and bc injured.

. äffçftÍ*inËrf 'ãÊl+úiE*S.Glletrrlâå$ÈÊir( '*EEziâå*éE:Êfift4ít "

'/'ÍttûJÈÉ)túil,:ir¿F:J<aå#.þiiíllj 'f^llit'.ifrJúúi' '?ii¿Tr:Ê'lhf'JitnF-f'Mlï

.;ÊztFêlffifr[âR# '

,¡IítzÊùsktt!Ín, li lllÃìH&txtft1Étkü,¿T+i¡tiüim'

. ðffift[*iRl*E+ 'EÊ,{ËÈiEll . frjTgtrrxâå*^Ê!7f '+tEH2}êå*tåEÊîìí?fr "

h#A,.ü'i),fitlti\lnffiti{f'Jil,rittcFji¡,tE+,ffi*frÉil '+iÊ'i1IfiÉ'û,.tí:+îrifiÉqirrtÆ1"ï{,8'¡t[]ili^it¡,

O \\/hen rhe delì ostjrìg operâtion stûr ts, a dtspl¡y tndicrting 'ì)owdelt ost¡ng 'xppcars on

the O¡-Ir tir[er sct tinte displâ] a'fheunit cleiosls once ever] I to 2 hous

a Alier fhe (lclioltiDc operÂLioil is completed. lhe opcrrtio¡ I'illrejtDtt

lo[rer ¡s set to the deljned s$,inging pos¡tion tîter jL ol)cns lull]


a'í!n / :i&f )j<L,l:

How to drain walsf ln the waler


Pull out the water receptacle securely. ;Ê*ffirûflSäzj<âågHÉ .

i!Ilokl the boLtonr ol satel reccpt¡cle atrd slou ly pull it tou'ardtlre lionl so \v¡ter does

trot spill



trl iEr.ti[1ltih1.]'ôi?Sl"t t Ltji '.lÉ+,r+$rí'l[il


lìi:tli{rs/(ô+tl}'ì1.;ãlil!ll?i7](ì.Èü¡lj .







Ãi "









.l!h'iBiú++:jí.r'ta1 4ijji+s'türtüil{É"



lu;8L,!lìEirE#iiú(rtiÍlllilii:i,rl "

X Duriùg delÌosLing. the cotnpressor sLops an(l only opemtos lan This charrge ¡s due to the rulornnlic de¡osling operlti0rr to

dùfrosttheins¡deotthcr¡n¡1,¡ndiisnotítnrallìrncLloû Pleâses'îiltòrítwhile

x ;rrÞi¡$lll , liilfirf,t,â{¡.j:Éi¡l.r{fil4FilÊjif++." ËÈttl}}¿:.Ûlr-[]úilí:ì;iíitf4,D.i¡5lirìt^Jilil¡iJí,5íf¡i 'ziË//¡li;i .

rii ti\l+ ) r)J[llitl .


El ì ftìld thc handlc lncì bolk)n of s ätcr ¡ùcup- tuclc, urrry iL sccurcìy. änd tilt thc wåtcr rcccpfilcle lo Llrâin wirLer fftrn the pnrl whÈre

"#[,/Fl l" is rnarkcd

[¡]Àlùtch Lhe widths (ìl wùter teceprrcle a¡cL (lÈhur¡rchl¡e¡ und genLly inserl lhe wätet

recept¿cle oll the \ry tn

[-ti llold th" ùrir ¡nd pr¡sh in thc siltc¡ rÉrcp-

t¿rele sith ilnothcr lt¡¡d iVlnkc sùrc to pu5lr all tl¡c wiry i¡l,

A H +r( l ì,1,,1/,k?i illirT'JT[+t¿iKri j, l.f.Tl Jl! Jt¡ìtl'llltlÈ /i'ôt:l ltþiþl . ll rtJ'l1 i

I ll^t,1 ) '111;ú:Jil\i¡i['Jt]'f'tl!i¡" .

It 1,,h.,,k?ì ;ì$ rr"J JTr {tÌl ¡ El*ilti+t :ük

'*/(âiÌSÈ,,i+f ,f /ìtrfår!,:ilí. "11¡

{Íl l+l Ír[ft lk/,kî# " ì'ánJ-Í-lÉ'+fthffi)E

Ill 2'llnl:}:,ïrit ililltt/(r+Tlì.ËÉtqiifr rÀt .

a Do not drain waler from any patt other lhan the part where "#È7ftr" is mârked.

Water nray spill rncl $ùt the flool

a Do nol pull out lhe water receptacle ¡mmediately after the operation stops.


Water lcft in thc r¿diakrr D¡¡v dr ip



a Make sute lhe water receptacle cover to be attached to water Ìeceptacle propelly.

Wiltef nìr),\f,ill

" ?+t Ê!Ê0




. ãâ A'#^lfl È "#Þi tr

tj 2t I ffi 1Í.1¡JtþÈ ß iNElIg .



ÊÌiìiiitilú}È;ltl!nt .




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AIlljrli¡i/ ir¡âålÍçiltlf.¡Ë,î üizkÉ ¡¡l t

4i .



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Page 11
Image 11
Hitachi BD-155EX ruËftÍiÉtËt, il.û, !À, fCffiF* FËrEÊgF¡lä Ë1 -#ËE+ tnßtßBt4!+, âiÌSÈ,,i+f ,f /ìtrfår!, ilí. 11¡, Aution