ìE*tÊ!Ë)å csr


a When the use¡ wants to cancel the ON sett¡ng ot the humid¡ty color sign (¡,e,, when desir¡ng to turn it olf). Pr€ss llre s\r'ings\vilch ¿trrl lan ss ttch aL [he \ane L¡nre continiloil\ly l0r norc thtn 3 Jecon(ls

/\ short hu¿zc¡ so[Dd\ oncc whcr the \ctlitÌ-( is c{Dùelled

TI ON sctljn{ of lhc hurniclity colcr sigr is canccllctl, lhc aP¡ropr iare hr¡nri(lily is noL rìispla¡,erJ rvhilc Lhr- rlehu¡¡idillcution ts ¡¡ ol)ù¡ît¡oD

(1'hchurnitlity color sign is scL t(ì Lu¡ n oil wh.n rhc ilchur¡itlificr is plug-uotl ir)

.fCffiF*;FËrEÊgF'¡lä "Ë1" -#ËE+(tnßtßBt4!+) '

FlIËilä l. lii'lÉ]rtr'dHii.fIlûtìi.RÈlf#Jlfllí'ûíillt: "

Yll\ft¡il:¡t1þ'firllj4lfrll^r]'å r -j('

"DFI" jllii¿Cl,¿,Ë



'l^ì¡lir[+$l ,I'1,]ig'¡¡rìfll.{ú'¡ü?r:l

('ç!liI¡l,VÈilil6¡r li',ítìi1l&ìN!¿ÈÃú4t14il;lirj¿rË):þ "liÍ1" )

a When the user wants to set the ON setting (i.e., when desir¡ng to turn it on), PcrÌìrnth¡ sîr¡.lìroccdu¡cs¡s thc rl¡ovc, caneclling rncthorl will be bilck t) thc ù-ctting stâte

.tBæãtËÊ "Ë1" É. (tEÆ*tlÊtË)

#IRrìdlft4r,^ÍìÅfl fi fnnft,tü-v;'trÍt:Ì.iþfr'ffiÊtrtuR,*ñ,:rl)E .

X Uven ¡l Lhe scttiilg is crncelled jt llashes whcn rhc w¡tcr beconrcs lìrLl (Èreen)

x llllfdÂiÉltî;Qiii ''-nzl'ÌÍüG'*fi)tt;j1]tþl;1Æ"


How to move casterc


a Molc tho uDit usiDg cdsters (4 whecls)

O l.jlt dcl[mriclitìdr b ilrove it rvhcD

therc is huiSlrl

X'l'ltccrstcrs ern bc rnovcd horizontull¡,only

rlill'etenceo¡ strirs



o;,51tIll¡4r*î \ l,fln) tl.ítú)t.

a É ïn,'¡f 'lñ'i''¡\ lli vÀ¡:ij lrt T

I :, F tÐtÌfjt¡î'

x li ]t +î0 t -!i2M'Ít Ë ti')Ír'Iilt'

¡ii liJJ,l,!,in1þþ flt, Z .



O Before the d6hum¡dif¡er is moved, stop the operation, dra¡n water ¡n the water receptacle, and re-¡nslall lhe water receplacle.

Lhc dehum id i lìer ¡s nìoYcd w ì I h thr coDl¿i nÈÌr I I water, wtter conìcs ouL ol- rhe wtler I ecÈlLele änd

il rnal,wet the lloor

a Do not t¡lt the dehumid¡fier when moving ¡t,

Thc floor nrav l¡e tl¡¡n¡led or tDa) lct s'ctdùc ¡(ì\\,aLer spillcrl lit¡ilt the clehunridillcr

O When moving the dehumidif¡er, make sure the automat¡c louver is closed, and move ¡t w¡th the handle ra¡sed,

Tf movi[g ¡t with the tutomîtic louver opened tnd tr ith the hnndlc ¡aised, your tingcrs nìty bc crught bet\rcer the handle dnd thc il!k,¡Datic lotrver and bc injured.

. äffçftÍ*inËrf 'ãÊl+úiE*S.Glletrrlâå$ÈÊir( '*EEziâå*éE:Êfift4ít "

'/'ÍttûJÈÉ)túil,:ir¿F:J<aå#.þiiíllj 'f^llit'.ifrJúúi' '?ii¿Tr:Ê'lhf'JitnF-f'Mlï

.;ÊztFêlffifr[âR# '

,¡IítzÊùsktt!Ín, li lllÃìH&txtft1Étkü,¿T+i¡tiüim'

. ðffift[*iRl*E+ 'EÊ,{ËÈiEll . frjTgtrrxâå*^Ê!7f '+tEH2}êå*tåEÊîìí?fr "

h#A,.ü'i),fitlti\lnffiti{f'Jil,rittcFji¡,tE+,ffi*frÉil '+iÊ'i1IfiÉ'û,.tí:+îrifiÉqirrtÆ1"ï{,8'¡t[]ili^it¡,

O \\/hen rhe delì ostjrìg operâtion stûr ts, a dtspl¡y tndicrting 'ì)owdelt ost¡ng 'xppcars on

the O¡-Ir tir[er sct tinte displâ] a'fheunit cleiosls once ever] I to 2 hous

a Alier fhe (lclioltiDc operÂLioil is completed. lhe opcrrtio¡ I'illrejtDtt

lo[rer ¡s set to the deljned s$,inging pos¡tion tîter jL ol)cns lull]


a'í!n / :i&f )j<L,l:

How to drain walsf ln the waler


Pull out the water receptacle securely. ;Ê*ffirûflSäzj<âågHÉ .

i!Ilokl the boLtonr ol satel reccpt¡cle atrd slou ly pull it tou'ardtlre lionl so \v¡ter does

trot spill



trl iEr.ti[1ltih1.]'ôi?Sl"t t Ltji '.lÉ+,r+$rí'l[il


lìi:tli{rs/(ô+tl}'ì1.;ãlil!ll?i7](ì.Èü¡lj .







Ãi "









.l!h'iBiú++:jí.r'ta1 4ijji+s'türtüil{É"



lu;8L,!lìEirE#iiú(rtiÍlllilii:i,rl "

X Duriùg delÌosLing. the cotnpressor sLops an(l only opemtos lan This charrge ¡s due to the rulornnlic de¡osling operlti0rr to

dùfrosttheins¡deotthcr¡n¡1,¡ndiisnotítnrallìrncLloû Pleâses'îiltòrítwhile

x ;rrÞi¡$lll , liilfirf,t,â{¡.j:Éi¡l.r{fil4FilÊjif++." ËÈttl}}¿:.Ûlr-[]úilí:ì;iíitf4,D.i¡5lirìt^Jilil¡iJí,5íf¡i 'ziË//¡li;i .

rii ti\l+ ) r)J[llitl .


El ì ftìld thc handlc lncì bolk)n of s ätcr ¡ùcup- tuclc, urrry iL sccurcìy. änd tilt thc wåtcr rcccpfilcle lo Llrâin wirLer fftrn the pnrl whÈre

"#[,/Fl l" is rnarkcd

[¡]Àlùtch Lhe widths (ìl wùter teceprrcle a¡cL (lÈhur¡rchl¡e¡ und genLly inserl lhe wätet

recept¿cle oll the \ry tn

[-ti llold th" ùrir ¡nd pr¡sh in thc siltc¡ rÉrcp-

t¿rele sith ilnothcr lt¡¡d iVlnkc sùrc to pu5lr all tl¡c wiry i¡l,

A H +r( l ì,1,,1/,k?i illirT'JT[+t¿iKri j, l.f.Tl Jl! Jt¡ìtl'llltlÈ /i'ôt:l ltþiþl . ll rtJ'l1 i

I ll^t,1 ) '111;ú:Jil\i¡i['Jt]'f'tl!i¡" .

It 1,,h.,,k?ì ;ì$ rr"J JTr {tÌl ¡ El*ilti+t :ük

'*/(âiÌSÈ,,i+f ,f /ìtrfår!,:ilí. "11¡

{Íl l+l Ír[ft lk/,kî# " ì'ánJ-Í-lÉ'+fthffi)E

Ill 2'llnl:}:,ïrit ililltt/(r+Tlì.ËÉtqiifr rÀt .

a Do not drain waler from any patt other lhan the part where "#È7ftr" is mârked.

Water nray spill rncl $ùt the flool

a Do nol pull out lhe water receptacle ¡mmediately after the operation stops.


Water lcft in thc r¿diakrr D¡¡v dr ip



a Make sute lhe water receptacle cover to be attached to water Ìeceptacle propelly.

Wiltef nìr),\f,ill

" ?+t Ê!Ê0




. ãâ A'#^lfl È "#Þi tr

tj 2t I ffi 1Í.1¡JtþÈ ß iNElIg .



ÊÌiìiiitilú}È;ltl!nt .




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Page 11
Image 11
Hitachi BD-155EX instruction manual RuËftÍiÉtËt, Il.û, !À

BD-155EX specifications

The Hitachi BD-155EX is a sophisticated portable design that caters to various commercial and professional uses, particularly excelling in organizations that require top-notch display technologies. This model boasts a range of state-of-the-art features that enhance both usability and performance, making it a valuable tool for presentations, training sessions, and more.

At the heart of the Hitachi BD-155EX lies its high-resolution projection capability. With a brightness level that typically reaches up to 3,000 ANSI lumens, it delivers clear and vivid images even in well-lit environments. The dynamic contrast ratio greatly contributes to image quality, ensuring that both dark and light areas are well represented. As a result, users can expect crisp visuals that enhance the overall viewing experience.

The BD-155EX uses DLP (Digital Light Processing) technology, which is renowned for its reliability and longevity. DLP provides a sharper image with better color accuracy compared to some other projection technologies. This is especially advantageous for applications that involve detailed graphics, such as architectural presentations or educational settings where clarity is paramount.

Connectivity is another strong point of the Hitachi BD-155EX. It comes equipped with multiple input options, including HDMI, VGA, and composite video connections, allowing for seamless integration with a variety of devices. This flexibility is essential for modern presentations, where users might switch between laptops, tablets, and other media sources. The projector also supports USB connectivity, enabling users to present directly from USB drives without the need for a computer.

Another commendable characteristic of the BD-155EX is its portability. Weighing around 2.2 kg, it is easy to transport, making it ideal for on-the-go professionals who need to set up presentations in different locations. The sleek design is complemented by a user-friendly interface, which simplifies operation and adjustments, even for those who are not tech-savvy.

Additionally, the Hitachi BD-155EX focuses on energy efficiency. Its eco-friendly features, including an Energy Saver mode, help to prolong lamp life and reduce overall energy consumption. This not only translates to lower operating costs but also aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability in technology usage.

In summary, the Hitachi BD-155EX combines high performance, advanced DLP technology, comprehensive connectivity options, portability, and energy efficiency, making it an outstanding choice for professionals seeking a reliable and versatile projector. Whether used for business meetings, educational purposes, or events, this model stands out as a powerful tool that meets diverse projection needs.