The SJ-EN has six LEDs to convey module status and activity.
Four LEDs next to the RJ45 connector:
• STATUS (GREEN) – This LED will be ON whenever the SJ-EN is receiving proper power from the
inverter and the self diagnostics have shown the board to be functioning normally.
• LINK (GREEN) – This LED is ON when the SJ-EN is receiving valid Ethernet pulses.
• ACTIVITY (GREEN) – This LED is ON whenever there is Ethernet traffic in the cable.
• ERROR (RED) – This LED will be ON if the SJ-EN has failed due to a hardware watchdog timeout, or
the Ethernet communications has been absent for the software watchdog timeout period.
Two LEDs near the right edge of the board:
• TXD – This LED indicates communication from the SJ-EN to the inverter through the option port.
• RXD – This LED indicates communication to the SJ-EN from the inverter through the option port.
(These two LEDs may appear blinking or may appear steady ON due to the high blink rate.)