7-30 Using the Export Tool
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Performance Manager User’s Guide
Command Syntax
This section explains the syntax of subcommands that you can write in your
command file. This section also explains the syntax of the Java command that
should be used in your batch file.
Conventions used in this section
This section uses the following symbols and typefaces to explain syntax:
Indicates a space.
Indicates characters that you must type as they are.
Indicates a type of an operand. You do not need to type characters in
italics as they are.
[ ]
Indicates one or more operands that can be omitted.
If two or more operands are enclosed by these square brackets and are
delimited by vertical bars (|), you can select one of the operands.
{ }
Indicates that you must select one operand from the operands enclosed
by the braces. Two or more operands are enclosed by the braces and
are delimited by vertical bars (|).
Indicates that a previously used operand can be repeated.

Table 7-22 Syntax Descriptions

Syntax The Syntax Indicates that You Can Write the Following Script
connectUip-address connect
destinationU[directory] destination
destination c:\temp
compressU[yes|no] compress
compress yes
compress no
answerU{yes|no} answer yes
answer no
portsU[name][U...] ports
ports port-1
ports port-1 port-2