2.3Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Optional Setup- Mouse Operation: Opens Mouse tab of the Optional Setup dialog


Use for setting sensitivity of mouse operation. Refer to <3.9.14 Optional Setting>.

Optional Setup- General: Opens General tab of the Optional Setup dialog window.

Use for setting various operation parameters. Refer to <3.9.14 Optional Setting>.

Optional Setup- Evacuation: Displays the Evacuation tab on the Optional Setup window. Sets the Evacuation mode for startup.

Optional Setup- AAA Adjust: Displays the AAA Adjust tab on the Optional Setup window. Sets a scanning speed and the number of images to be integrated for auto adjustments.

Assignment Tool Buttons: Assigns functions to the tool button located in the lower portion of the Operation Panel. Switches the types of operations that can be performed on the Mouse Mode image.

Login Setting:

Opens the Login Setting dialog window. Use it



for setting login names and passwords for users.



The dialog window can be opened only when



logged in with the system manager's login name.



Refer to < 2.3.14 Login Setting Dialog Window>.

Password Setting:

Opens the Password Setting dialog window.



Use it for setting or changing the password for



the login name of the current user.



Refer to <2.3.16 Password Setting Dialog




Stage Calibration:

Starts calibration functions for stage controller.

Stage Program Download: Use this function when the specimen stage control program needs to be updated due to a system version upgrade.

See <3.9.20 Downloading Stage Control Program>.

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