Getting Started (Initial Setup)

Look at each item to see if it matches your own setup:

￿To change a setting, press the button that has the same number as that item. This will cycle you through several options.

￿When everything is set up as you want, press GUIDE to return to regular viewing.

Here is what the options mean:

1 AUTO BLUE Press 1 to control the auto blue function which makes the

screen blue and mutes sound when you select a channel without a broadcast signal on the VCR or a channel without a broadcast signal on the VCR or a channel on which broadcasting has finished. Options are <ON> and <OFF>.

￿If the signal is too strong, this function may not operate even if you specifiy <ON>. During playback this function does not operate.

4 HIFI/LINEAR Press 4 to control how the audio signal is processed by the VCR. Options are <HIFI> and <LINEAR>.

5 STEREO/MONO Press 5 to control how the audio signal is recorded and sent to the TV. Options are <STEREO> and <MONO>.

6 SAP Press 6 when you are ready to record a second audio program. Options are <OFF> and <ON>.

Choosing a Mode for Audio Playback

Choose between hi-fi and linear modes, depending on your needs.

HIFI is the preferred setting because it works for all tapes whether they were recorded in hi-fi or linear modes. If the audio sounds distorted or unusual or there is no audio, try the LINEAR option.

When you set the option to HIFI, hi-fi tapes will play in high fidelity, and non-hi-fi tapes will play in linear mode.

Stereo vs. Mono Sound

When you select the STEREO option, your VCR records in stereo any station that broadcasts stereo sound. When a TV channel broadcasts in stereo, you'll see a stereo indicator on the TV screen.

STEREO is the normal factory setting because it works for both stereo and mono broadcasts. It is also necessary for recording a second audio program (SAP). When you select MONO, sound is recorded as mono even when a channel broadcasts in stereo.

Use the MONO setting when the stereo signal is not strong enough for quality reception (for example, when there is signal drift or noise).

Hi-Fi Sound

Hi-Fi sound is the same quality as that of a compact disc player. Its dynamic range of over 90dB will record either stereo or monaural broadcasts with the highest quality possible. Linear sound, on the other hand, will record monaural