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When installed, the fryer must be restrained to prevent tipping to avoid the splashing of hot liquid. The
means of restraint may be the manner of installation, such as connection to a battery of appliances or
installing the fryer in an alcove, or by separate means, such as adequate ties.
Fryers Mounted on Legs (Non-Batteried Fryers)
Fryers serviced from the rear must have a minimum clearance of 18" (46 cm) from the wall when
mounted on legs.
1. Position fryer in an open space near the final installation area.
2. Tilt fryer on its side. Be careful not to scratch the finish.
3. Thread legs into mounting holes provided on bottom of fryer, then tighten.
4. Carefully raise fryer to its normal position.
Fryers Mounted on Casters
Separate instructions for installing casters to the fryer are included with the casters.
• For an appliance equipped with casters, instructions that (1) the installation shall be made with
a connector that complies with the Standard for
Connectors for Movable Gas Appliances, ANSIZ21.69 or
Connectors for Moveable Gas Appliances, CAN/CGA-6.16, and a quick-disconnect
device that complies with the Standard for
Quick-Disconnect Devices for Use With Gas Fuel,ANSI Z21.41, or
Quick Disconnect Devices for Use with Gas Fuel, CANI-6.9, (2) adequate
means must be provided to limit the movement of the appliance.
• The fryer must be installed with a connector (not supplied by Hobart) in compliance with the
above code(s).
• The fryer must be installed with restraining means to guard against transmission of strain to the
connector, as specified in the strain relief manufacturer's instructions (Fig. 3).
• The fryer must be installed with the casters provided.
• Turn the gas supply off before disconnecting the restraint.
Fig. 3