Before operating the tiller for the first time, please review the IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION on page4 and
BEFORE OPERATION chapter starting on page10.
Even if you have operated other tillers, take time to become familiar with the operation of this tiller’s controls and
For your safety, avoid starting or operating the engine in an enclosed area, such as a garage. Your engine’s
exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas which can collect rapidly in an enclosed area and cause illness
or death.
If the tiller starts to shake or vibrate, stop the engine immediately. After the tiller tines have completely stopped,
inspect them to determine the cause of the vibration. Sudden vibration is a sign of a hazardous problem, such as a
loose or damaged tilling tines (or tiller attachment), hidden objects in the soil, or the ground that is too hard to till.
Do not operate the tiller until the problem is corrected.
Prolonged exposure to vibration may cause vibration syndrome (Raynaud’s disease). Symptoms include loss of
skin color in the hands and numbness or a painful tingling sensation in the fingers, hands, and arms. Regular users
of any power equipment may feel the numbness or pain spontaneously, at any time, not just after using the
equipment. If any of these symptoms occur, see a physician immediately.

Moving the Tiller

Do not move the tiller with the engine running.
The tiller has transport wheels to allow easy
maneuvering to and from the work area. Install the
transport wheels by inserting the wheel bar up through
the transmission housing.
Before tilling, remove the transport wheels and install the
drag bar.

Drag Bar Installation

1. Make sure the engine is OFF before installing the
drag bar.
2. Remove the lock pin and the 6 x 25mm clevis pin.
3. Remove the wheel assembly.
4. Install the drag bar with the pointed edge of the drag
bar towards the tiller tines using the 6 x 25 mm clevis
pin and lock pin.
5. When your tilling job is completed, reinstall the
transport wheels in the reverse order of removal.
6 X 25 mm
6 X 25 mm