1. Install the drag bar (see page 12). Honda recommends using the drag bar when tilling. The tiller can be difficult
to control without the drag bar installed.
2. Set the tilling depth by moving the drag bar up or down.
The ideal height of the drag bar will depend on the type of soil being tilled, and soil conditions at the time of
tilling. In general, however, the drag bar should be adjusted so that the tiller is tilted slightly backward.
3. Start the engine (see page 13).
4. Tilt the tiller back until the tines are off the ground. Squeeze the throttle lever to full speed position (lever tight
against the grip).
5. Lower the front of the tiller until the tines begin to dig into the ground.
6. Lower the handle slightly so the front of the tiller is raised about 6 ~ 8°. To get the maximum advantage from the
tiller, hold the tiller at this angle while you are tilling the ground.

Operating Tips

If the tiller tends to move forward rapidly, push down on the handlebars to allow the drag bar to penetrate the soil
and slow the forward motion of the tiller. Continue to press down until the tiller tines have dug to a desired depth
that allows easy tiller handling.
If the tines dig in but the tiller will not move forward, ease up on the handlebars and move the handlebars from
side-to-side. If the tiller still digs in, but will not move forward, raise the drag bar up one hole.
When turning, push down on the handlebars to bring the tiller’s weight to the rear; this will make turning easier.
6 ~ 8°