4. For prolonged storage, perform these additional steps:
For storage of 1 or 2 months:
For storage of 1 or 2 months, be sure the fuel tank is full. If partially filled,
air in the tank will promote fuel oxidation and deterioration, resulting in bad
fuel that may cause hard starting. Deteriorated fuel may also clog carburetor
passages, requiring carburetor repair or replacement.
NOTE: The Distributor’s Limited Warranty does not cover fuel system damage
or engine performance problems resulting from neglected storage preparation.
a. Fill the fuel tank with fresh gasoline, and add a gasoline conditioner, such
as HONDA FUEL STABILIZER, which is formulated to extend fuel storage
b. Run the engine outdoors for 10 minutes to be sure that treated gasoline
has replaced the untreated gasoline in the carburetor.
c. Stop the engine, turn the fuel valve OFF, and allow the engine to cool
before placing the mower in storage
For storage of more than 2 months:
Change the engine oil (see page
Remove the spark plug (see page
42). Pour a tablespoon of clean
engine oil into the cylinder. Pull the
starter rope several times to
distribute the oil in the cylinder. .-
Reinstall the spark plug.
NOTE: While the spark plug is
removed, inspect the plug, and
clean, gap, or replace it if necessary.
Pull the starter rope until you feel
resistance This closes the valves,
which helps to protect the cylinder
from corrosion.