2. Remove the spark plug with a
13/ls in (21 mm) spark plug
3. Inspect the spark plug. Replace
it if the electrodes are worn, or
if the insulator is cracked or
chipped. Clean the spark plug
with a wire brush if you are
going to reuse it.
4. Measure the spark plug
electrode gap with a suitable
gauge. The gap should be
0.028 - 0.031 in (0.7 - 0.8 mm).
Correct the gap, if necessary,
by carefully bending the side
5. Install the spark plug carefully, by
hand, to avoid cross-threading.
6. After the spark plug seats,
tighten with a 13/16 in (21 mm)
spark plug wrench to compress
the washer.
If reinstalling the old spark plug,
tighten l/s to l/Z turn after the
spark plug seats.
If installing a new spark plug,
tighten l/z turn after the spark
plug seats to compress the
0.028 - 0.031 in
(0.7 - 0.8 mm)
A loose spark plug can overheat and damage the engine.
Over-tightening the spark plug can damage the threads in the
cylinder head.
7. Install the spark plug cap on the spark plug.