Refer to the installation illustration on the following page for the following instructions.
Be certain sump basin is clean and all power to pump is shut off. If pump fails to
operate properly after installation, refer to the troubleshooting checklist on page 14
or contact Honda servicing dealer.
General Materials Needed
• One can PVC cement (read instructions carefully)
• One can thread compound (read instructions carefully)
• One male PVC adapter: 11/4" for 1/3HP;11/2" for 1/2and 3/4horsepower models.
• Enough rigid PVC pipe and couplings to reach from bottom of sump basin to
discharge: 11/4" for 1/3HP; 11/2" for 1/2and 3/4horsepower models.
• One Check Valve.
Tools Needed for all pump installations:
Pipe wrench, slot screwdriver, 24-tooth hacksaw, knife or round file.
Step 1 – Thread male PVC adaptor into pump discharge opening.
Step 2 – Cement a 15" piece of PVC pipe to adaptor.Use appropriate diame-
ter piping. Drill a 1/8" relief hole in the pipe 5" above pump connection.This
hole prevents pump from air-locking.
Step 3 – Clamp Check Valve to top of 15" PVC pipe with water flow arrow
pointing away from pump.
Step 4 – Lower pump into basin.Clamp needed PVC discharge pipe and fit-
tings to open end of Check Valve.
Submersible Pump InstallationPIPING
Plastic PVC pipe is shown in the illustrations, but galvanized steel or copper
pipe may be used if desired. All piping must be clean and free of all foreign
matter to prevent clogging.Use thread compound on all threaded joints unless
specified otherwise.
0204 HONDA WSP manual.qxd 3/24/2004 2:14 PM Page 11