LONG nAimerY; Aimer Y
LONG nLaserPower; Laser power in mW
TCHAR tcFirmwareChecksum[ MAX_CHECKSUM_LEN ]; Firmware Checksum (ASCII Hex)
TCHAR tcFirmwareRev[ MAX_SHORT_VERSION_LEN ]; Firmware revision number.Number
LONG nLedCtrlMode; How LEDs are controled.
LONG nLedClr; LED color (red or green LEDs)
LONG nPwmFreq; PWM base frequence.
LONG nRedLedCurrent; Red LED current (mA).
LONG nRedLedMaxCurrent; Red LED max current (mA).
LONG nGreenLedCurrent; Green LED current (mA).
LONG nGreenLedMaxCurrent; Green LED max current (mA).
LONG nAimerCurrent; Aimer current (mA).
LONG nAimerMaxCurrent; Aimer max current (mA).
LONG nPixelClockFreq; Pixel clock frequency (MHz)
TCHAR tcRegisterChecksum[ MAX_CHECKSUM_LEN ]; Register chcksum (ASCII hex)
Sequence structure defines:
#define SEQ_ALL_LENGTH 9999
Sequence structure masks:
#define SEQMASK_MODE 0x00001 sequenceMode
#define SEQMASK_BARCODES 0x00002 dwNumBarCodes & seqBarCodes[]
#define SEQMASK_ALL 0x00003 Everything
Individual sequence barcode structure:
typedef struct _tagSeqItem
LONG nSymId; Symbology identifier SYM_xxxx
LONG nLength; Match length or 9999 to match any length.
TCHAR tcStartChars[ MAX_NUM_START_CHARS+1 ]; Matching string (from start)
} SeqBarCode_t, *PSeqBarCode_t;
Sequence structure:
typedef struct _tagHHP_SEQUENCE_MODE
DWORD dwStructSize; Size of structure in bytes
DWORD dwMask; Mask of active items
HHP_SEQ_MODES sequenceMode; Disabled/Enabled/Enabled & Required
DWORD dwNumBarCodes; This MUST be sent if sending seqBarCodes
SeqBarCode_t seqBarCodes[ MAX_SEQ_BARCODES ]; Barcodes to sequence in order they are to be
Decode method stucture masks:
#define DCMASK_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH 0x00001 Maximum length of decoded string. This item is Read Only.
#define DCMASK_DECODE_MULTIPLE 0x00002 Look for and report all barcodes in captured frame.
#define DCMASK_USE_AIMERS 0x00004 Use aimers when capturing barcodes.
#define DCMASK_PRINT_WEIGHT 0x00008 Relative contrast between barcode and background (0-9).
#define DCMASK_DECODE_METHOD 0x00010 Normal, linear codes only. Fastest (may miss codes at
edges of image).
#define DCMASK_CENTER_ENABLE 0x00020 Only accept barcodes whose boundaries intersect center
#define DCMASK_CENTER_WINDOW 0x00040 Rectangle about center of image for previous mask.