5 - 2
Parameter Description
hDriver The current handle to the open driver used to communicate with the imager.
SetHardwareTrigger triggers the imager hardware trigger line, depending on bEnable. The hardware trigger line is active low.
void SetHardwareTrigger(
bool bEnable
Parameter Description
bEnable If true, set trigger line low to trigger imager. If false, set trigger line high to turn off trigger.
WakeUpImager toggles the imager hardware wakeup line from low to high, delay, (see Integration Manual for timing), then from
high back to low.
void ImagerPoweredDown(
Registry EntriesThere are two registry entries used to modify the SDK default behavior. The values are both located in the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hand Held Products\MatrixDemos.
Baud Rate
The SDK will not normally allow high speed serial connections (connections greater than 115200 baud) unless it recognizes the
driver name in the registry. The first registry value, BaudRate, specifies the first baud rate at which the demos will attempt to
connect. It also overrides the normal block that sets high speed baud rates. This lets you specify a baud rate greater than
The SDK does not normally use its Y-Modem variant, Hmodem, if a high speed serial connection is specified. However, if your
driver does not support true hardware RTS flow control, there is a substantial risk of communication buffer overruns. These
overruns can cause data loss, especially during image transfer. The registry value ForceHmodem lets you force the use of the
communications protocol, preventing data buffer overflow.