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15.1 Fields
NOTE: Note: Only configurable parameters are dis-
played in the Monitoring screen.
NOTE: Note: For the Monitor Sensor input the value will
be displayed as reported from the controller even
if the value lies outside the range of the sensor
type that is configured. If the value reported from
the controller is +inf or –inf or NaN then the text
Invalid will be displayed.
The list of configurable parameters is
Temporary set point
Effective temperature set point
Scheduled Occupancy
Sensed Occupancy
Effective Occupancy
Manual Occupancy
Application Mode
•Box Flow
Damper Position
Fan Speed
Fan Status
Heating Stages On
Reheat percentage
DLC shed status
Space Temperature
Supply Temperature
Discharge Air
Peripheral Heat
Outdoor air temperature
Monitor Switch
Free Digital Output
Window Open
Heat Cool Switch
Auxiliary Digital Output
Free 1 Modulating
Monitor Sensor
Space CO2
Space Relative humidity

Related Topics

“1. About Stryker VAV” on page 2

“2. Configuration” on page 4

Table 14. Monitoring Fields.
Name Definition
Name Displays the configured parameter names.
Read Value Displays the current value read from the controller.
Write Value Enables you to write the expected value to the controller.
Current Mode Displays the current mode of the controller.
Units Displays the respective units of the parameters.
Current Mode This fields displays whether the controller is in manual control or in auto mode.
Temperature set point You can temporarily change/override the setpoint using this field. Enter the setpoint value and
click the Write button at the bottom of the screen. To remove the temporary override, type 'Nan'
in this field and click the Write button.
Application Mode This field can be used to switch between off, auto, heating and cooling. The following options
can be selected.
Auto - Enable this option for auto reheating and cooling
Heat - Enable this option to supply warm air and reheat
Morning warmup - Enable this option to supply warm air and to trigger reheat as per the
'Morning warmup type' configured.
Cool - Enable this option to supply cool air and lock reheat. Use this mode to disable reheat
when boiler hot water is unavailable.
Night purge - Enable this option to supply outdoor air.
Off - Enable this option to off fan, heating and cooling.
Fan only - Enable this option to enable only fan, no heating or cooling.
Note that all other options are ignored by the controller.