

normal playback.
In live view, press this key to enter Search interface.
In normal playback or pause mode, click this button to reverse
In reverse playback, click this button to pause playback.
Fast play Various fast speeds and normal playback.
Slow play Multiple slow play speeds or normal playback.
Play Next In playback mode, playback the next video
In menu setup, go to the bottom of the dropdown list.
Play previous In playback mode, playback the previous video
(outer ring)
In live view, it works as left/right direction key.
In playback, counter clockwise to forward and clock wise to
(inner dial)
Up/down direction key.
In playback, turn the inner dial to do frame by frame playback
when normal playback is paused.
RC indicator ACT Indicates if the DVR is active for remote control.
Power indicator POWER Indicates if the DVR is powered up
Channel indicator 1-16 Indicates whether the system is recording or not. It turns on
when the system is recording.
IR Receiver Receives the signa l from the remote controller.
Rear Panel

HD-16DVR-C rear panel is shown as below. See Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 The Rear Panel of HD-16DVR-C

Please refer to the following table for detailed information.