Understanding of Menu Operations and Controls
Sydney GMT+10
Hawaii GMT-10
Alaska GMT-9
Pacific Time(P.T) GMT-8
American Mountain Time(M.T) GMT -7
American Central Time(C.T) GMT-6
American Eastern Time(E.T) GMT-5
Atlantic Time GMT-4
Brazil GMT-3
Middle Atlantic Time GMT-2
Figure 5-12 NTP Setup Menu
DDNS setup interface is shown in Figure 5-13.
You need a PC with fixed IP in the internet and DDNS software running in
this PC. In other words, this PC is a DNS (domain name server).
In network DDNS, please select the DDNS type and check the Enable item.
Then please input your domain name, user name and the password you get
from you ISP and server IP (PC with DDNS ) . Click the Save button and
then reboot the system.
After rebooting, open IE and input as below:
http://(Domain Name)
e.g.: http://site.3322.org)