Installation Guide
69-1816EFS—03 4
**See page 6
0372 Indoor humidifica-
tion control
E Auto Discover **
0 Off
1 Humidify (no frost protection)
3 Humidify (with frost protection)
0374 Humidifier fan action 0 Humidify only while fan or heat is on
1 Humidify forces fan on
2 Humidify only when heat is on
3 Humidifier operates independent of fan
0379 Dehumidification
0 No dehumidification control
1 Dehumidify with air conditioner
3 Whole house dehumidifier
0383 Over-cooling limit 3 3°F (1.5°C)
[Other options: 1, 2 (1°F or 2°F/0.5°C to 1.5°C)]
0384 Dehumidification
fan action
0 System fan turns on with dehumidifier
1 Dehumidifier operates independent of fan
0390 Dehumidification
away mode
0 No
1 Yes
0391 Dehum. away mode
fan setting
0 Fan auto
1 Fan always on
2 Fan circulate
0392 Dehum. away mode
low limit temp.
76 Low limit temperature 76°F (24°C)
[Other options: 70°F to 80°F (21°C to 27°C)]
0393 Dehum. away mode
temp. setting
85 Away temperature 85°F (29°C)
[Other options: 70°F to 99°F (21°C to 37°C)]
0394 Away dehumidifica-
tion setting
65 Away humidity level 65%
[Other options: 55% to 70%]
0400 Ventilation control 0 No ventilation
1 Ventilation always allowed
2 Ventilation not allowed during sleep period
0401 Number of
2 Two bedrooms
[Other options: 1 to 6]
0402 Size of house 10 1,000 square feet
[Other options: 11 to 50 (1,100 to 5,000 square feet)]
0403 Ventilation level 160 CFM (cubic feet per minute)
[Other options: (30 to 195 CFM)]
0404 Max. ventilation
% limit
50 50% ventilation limit
[Other options: 30% to 60% or 100%]
P Meets ASHRAE 62.2 standard
F Does not meet ASHRAE 62.2 standard
0405 Ventilation fan
1 Ventilation on forces fan on
2 Ventilation does not force fan on
0406 Ventilation in high
1 On (heat mode only)
0 Off
0500 Furnace filter
change alert
E Auto Discover ** 7 270-day run time
0 Off 8 365-day run time
1 10-day run time 9 30 calendar days
2 30-day run time 10 60 calendar days
3 60-day run time 11 90 calendar days
4 90-day run time 12 120 calendar days
5 120-day run time 13 180 calendar days
6 180-day run time 14 365 calendar days
Setup function Settings & options (factory default in bold)
Installer setup