32 MS-9600LS Series Manual — P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010
Product Description Accessories
ANN-I/O LED Driver Module*
The ANN-I/O is an LED driver module that can be used in a wide variety of applications, including
as an interface with most customized graphic annunciators. The ANN-I/O can drive up to 40 LEDs
The module is provided with a plastic enclosure for mounting inside the annunciator or accessory
box. The following sections describe hardware installation. Refer to the section titled “ANN-BUS
Options” on page 121 for programming information.
*In Canada, the color red must be used to indicate active alarm inputs. Yellow indicates supervi-
sory, burglary or trouble signals. Green indicates the presence of power or an activated output.
ANN-I/O Board Layout
Figure 1.8 illustrates the ANN-I/O board showing locations of screw terminals for connection to
the FACP, pin connectors for connecting LEDs and the DIP switch for selecting the ANN-BUS ID
Standard Exec 10.5 SI.Zero On
Auto LF On
BIN 1 12/72”
BIN 2 12/72”
SINGLE 12/72”
PUSH TRA 12/72”
PULL TRA 12/72”
PAP ROLL 12/72”
Table 1.2 PRN-6F Setup Options
Figure 1.8 ANN-I/O Board Layout
Address DIP
ANN-BUS Connector
Terminals not used (future)