Y7300A1000 Contains one T7300A1047 Thermostat and one
Q7300A1059 Subbase; Micrometl part no. 1060A-100. T7300F2002/Q7300A2016 Wiring differences (old=new): B=X.
Y7300A1018 Contains one T7300A1062 Thermostat and one
Q7300F1041 Subbase; Carrier part no. 50QE90028101. T7300F2002/Q7300C2004
Y7300B1008 Contains one T7300A1013 Thermostat and one
Q7300B1024 Subbase; York part no. 025-27504; York
model no. 2ET04700224.
Y7300B1016 Contains one T7300B1045 Thermostat and one
Q7300B1057 Subbase; Comfortmaker part no. 1505748. T7300F2010/Q7300A2016
Y7300B1024 Contains one T7300B1037 Thermostat and one
Q7300B1057 Subbase; Arcoaire part no. 1506748. T7300F2010/Q7300A2016
Y7300C1006 Contains one T7300A1013 Thermostat and one
Q7300C1030 Subbase; York part no. 025-27505; York
model no. 2ET04700324.
T7300F2010/Q7300C2012 Wiring differences (old=new): B=X, X=E.
Y7300C1014 Contains one T7300A1047 Thermostat and one
Q7300C1063 Subbase; Micrometl part no. 1060A-200. T7300F2010/Q7300C2004 Wiring differences (old=new): W1=W2, B=A3.
Y7300D1004 Contains one T7300A1013 Thermostat and one
Q7300D1020 Subbase; York part no. 025-27724-000;
York model no. 2ET04700424A.
T7300F2010/Q7300D2002 Wiring differences (old=new): B=X, X=L1.
Table 16. T7300/Q7300 Series 2000 Cross Reference.
Model Number Figure
Number Description Trade
Replacement Remarks
Q7300A Multistage conventional subbase used with T7300 D or F Thermostat.
Q7300A2008 21 One-stage heat and one-stage c ool; TRADELINE® model; remote
sensor capability; taupe color. Q7300A2008 Direct replacement for T8621A
Q7300A2016 24 Two-stage heat and two-stage cool; TRADELINE® model ; remote
sensor and discharge air sensor capability; taupe color. Q7300A2016
Q7300A2040 22 Two-stage heat and one-stage cool; TRADELINE® model; taupe
color. Q7300A2040 Direct replacement for T8621C
Q7300A2057 23 Two-stage heat and two-stage cool; TRADELINE® model; O and B
terminals; taupe color. Q7300A2057 Direct replacement for T8621D7022
Q7300C Multistage heat pump subbase used with T7300E or F T hermostat.
Q7300C2004 25 Single-stage heat pump with auxiliary he at (2H/1C); TRADELINE®
model; remote sensor and discharge air sensor capability; taupe color Q7300C2004
Q7300C2012 26 Two-stage heat pump with auxiliary heat (3H/2C); TRADELINE®
model; remote sensor and discharge air sensor capability; taupe color. Q7300C2012
Q7300C2053 27 Two-stage heat pump with auxiliary heat (3H/2C); TRADELINE®
model; CHECK LED and FAIL LED; taupe color. Q7300C2020 Direct replacement for T8611M
Q7300D Multistage heat pump subbase used with T7300E or F T hermostat.
Q7300D2002 28 Two-stage heat pump with auxiliary heat (3H/2C); TRADELINE®
model; remote sensor and discharge air sensor capability; taupe color. Q7300D2002
Q7300D2010 29 Single-stage heat pump with auxiliary he at (2H/1C); TRADELINE®
model; remote sensor and discharge air sensor capability; taupe color. Q7300D2010
Q7300G Multistage conventional subbase used with T7300D or F Thermostat.
Q7300G2005 30 Three-stage heat and three-stage cool (3H/3C); TRADELINE® mode l;
remote sensor and discharge air sensor capability; taupe color. Q7300G2005
Q7300L Multistag e subbase used with ML7984A, V5011, V5013 and T7300D or F Thermostat.
Q7300L2004 31, 32 Two-stage heat and one-stage cool ( 2H/1C); TRADELINE® model;
multispeed fan; contacts for damper control relay and pump interlock
relay; HEAT LED and COOL LED; remote sensor and discharge air
sensor capability; taupe color.
Q7300L2004 Direct replacement for Q7300L1006
and Q7300L1014 Subbases.
T7200D One-stage heat and one-stage cool conventional thermostat.
Table 15. Thermostat and Subbase Cross Reference. (Continued)
Model Number Description Trade Replacement Remarks