Table 14. Thermostat Cross Reference Information. (continued)
Model Number Description TRADELINE®
Replacement Remarks
T8600C1170 Carrier thermostat; conventional; part no.
HH07AX006. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel;
jumper R to Rc.
T8600C1188 Carrier thermostat; conventional; part no.
HH641-101. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel;
jumper R to Rc.
T8600C1196 Canadian TRADELINE® thermostat;
Honeywell logo; Premier White® color;
conventional; degree C.
T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; configure for
°C in Installer Setup 14; duel fuel;
jumper R to Rc.
T8600C1204 Canadian Lennox thermostat; conventional;
degree C.
T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; configure for
°C in Installer Setup 14; duel fuel;
jumper R to Rc.
T8600C1212 SUPER TRADELINE® thermostat;
Honeywell logo; duel fuel fan control; O and
B terminals.
T8600D2028 Jumper R to Rc; taupe color.
T8600C1220 Servel logo; Premier White® color;
conventional; Robur part no. 15471-82. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel;
taupe color.
T8600C1238 ICP logo; Premier White® color; duel fuel
fan control; O and B terminals; part no.
T8600D2028 Jumper R to Rc; taupe color.
T8600C1246 ICP logo; Premier White® color; duel fuel
fan control; O and B terminals; part no.
T8600D2028 Jumper R to Rc; taupe color.
T8600C1253 Consolidated Industries logo; Premier
White® color; conventional; part no.
T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel;
taupe color.
T8600C1279 Canadian TRADELINE® (French)
thermostat; conventional. T8600D2028 English only keyboard; separate O & B
terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D One-stage heat and one-stage cool conventional thermostat; system powered; automatic
changeover; system switch— HEAT-OFF-COOL-AUTO; fan switch— ON-AUTO
T8600D1004 TRADELINE® thermostat; Honeywell logo. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D1012 Canadian TRADELINE® thermostat;
Honeywell logo; degree C.
T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; configure for
°C in Installer Setup 14; duel fuel.
T8600D1020 Energy Sensor. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D1038 Canadian Carrier thermostat; degree C;
part no. HH07AT101. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; configure for
°C in Installer Setup 14; duel fuel;
T8600D1046 Trane. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D1053 Heil Quaker thermostat; Honeywell logo;
part no. HQ1000776HW. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D1061 Carrier. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D1079 Lennox logo; part no. 27H3101. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D1103 Carrier. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel.
T8600D1111 TRADELINE® thermostat; Honeywell logo;
Premier White® color. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel;
taupe color.
T8600D1129 Canadian TRADELINE® thermostat;
Honeywell logo; Premier White® color;
degree C.
T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; configure for
°C in Installer Setup 14; duel fuel.
T8600D1137 Solitaire logo; Premier White® color;
Nordyne part no. 9132400. T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; duel fuel;
taupe color.
T8600D1145 Canadian Carrier thermostat; Premier
White® color; degree C; part no.
T8600D2028 Separate O & B terminals; configure for
°C in Installer Setup 14; duel fuel.