62-0311—13 6
Terminal Identifier LW/Y n/a
iGl Gm Gh N RsaScbSBcPsd
Fly lead wire color Black Orange Red Blue Brown White Nonee
2 pipes; Heat only W  ORO
2 pipes; Cool only Y  ORO
2 pipes; Heat or Cool with Manual Changeover W/Y  ORO
2 pipes; Heat or Cool with Seasonal Changeover W/Y   ORO
TB8575A1016 — 24 Vac
Terminal IdentifierjRW/YY/AGlGmGhCRs
2 pipes; Heat only W  ORO
2 pipes; Cool only Y  ORO
2 pipes; Heat or Cool with Manual Changeover W/Y  ORO
2 pipes; Heat or Cool with Seasonal Changeover W/Y   ORO
4 pipes; Heat and Cool with Manual Changeover WY   ORO
4 pipes; Heat and Cool with Auto Changeover WY  ORO
2 pipes; Heat or Cool with Auxiliary Heat W/Y A  ORO
4 pipes; Heat and Cool with Manual Changeover
or Auto Changeover
WY   OR O
aRs; Remote sensor is optional.
bRequired when Rs, SB, or Ps is wired.
cSB; Remote setback is optional.
dPipe sensor: Discrete, Analog, or Aquastat®.
eThese terminals (8, 9, 10, and 11) do not have lead wires attached to them.
fA check mark (ü) indicates the terminal is used in that application. Rs and SB terminal connections are op tional. If a
terminal is left blank, it is not used in that application.
gO = Optional
hR = Required if Rs, SB, or Ps is wired.
iTerminal 3 is not used on the TB6575B1000 model.
jThe TB8575A1016 model does not have fly lead wires attached to any terminals.
Table 3. Terminal Wiring. (Continued)
Model Application