Did you know?...
...the transit fixings are fitted to ensure that your machine is undamaged during delivery.
...both ofthe transit fixings MUST BE removed before using the machine, be sure to remove TWO bolts,
TWO washers,TWO rubber grommets and T WO nylon spacers,not doing so will lead to excessive
vibration,movement of the machine and could eventually lead to internal damage.
...the majority ofproblems with noisy machines are due to the transit fixings not being removed. will be charged for a service engineers visit if a problem with your machine is caused by incorrect
installation or misuse.
Remove the transit fixings
IMPORTANT:Follow these instructions to remove the
TWO transit fixings (see Description for location).
!Situated one either
side of the rear panel,
BOTH transit bolts
MUSTbe removed
before use.
!Failure to do so may cause damage to your machine.
!It is important the TWO transit fixings come out intact.
!Be sure to remove TWO bolts,
TWO washers,TWO rubber
grommets and TWO nylon
spacers (see pic).

1. Unscrew the bolt using a

13mm spanner.

2. STOP when 3 threads can be


3. Hold, slide sideways and pull to


4. For safety, insert one of the

the plastic covers (supplied with

your machine) over the hole.

!Repeat steps 1 to 4 to remove the second transit bolt.
!PPaacckkaaggiinngg mmaatteerriiaallss aarree nnoott cchhiillddrreenn''ss ttooyyss..
Where you install your machine will affect its
!For your safety and to comply with electrical
regulations,seek professional advice if you want to
install your machine in a bath or shower room.
Make sure that the electrical socket and water
taps are easily accessible. You should switch off
the machine’s electrical and water supplies
when you are not using it for extended periods.
Make sure that you allow enough space for the
machine.Select a space at least 60cm wide,
60cm deep and 85cm high. Also leave enough
space to open the door fully,so that you can load
and unload it easily.
Where possible,the machine should be positioned
on a solid floor to minimise vibration.
!Take care when you move the machine not to rip any
floor coverings.The weight of the machine may cause
indentations in some floor coverings.
Location oftransit bolts.