How to use your Dishwasher
First of all.
-Turn on the water supply tap completely.
-Add the correct amount of detergent.
-Load the baskets cor- rectly.
-Check that the spray arms rotate freely.
-Close the door securely.
-Press the
Select the wash cycle.
turn knob "M" until the indicator is in line with the number or symbol for the cycle required.Select the wash cycle most suitable for the type of dishes to wash (see ‘Pro- gramme Chart’).
After a few seconds, you will hear a short beep: the wash cycle has started and indicator "G" displays the cycle phase starting symbol . The counter "L" will show the amount of time left until the end of the wash cycle.
Indicator lights.
Your dishwasher is provided with an indicator light "G" with 4 sym- bols which come on as the appli- ance carries out each phase of the selected programme.
These indicator lights represent each phase corresponding to:
Modifying a wash cycle in progress.
-You can modify the wash cycle, if it has only just started. Turn knob "M"totheResetpositionandaftera few seconds you will hear 4 beeps. Indicator light "G" will go out and 3 dashes appear, this indicates all settings have been cancelled. You are now free to
You've left out a dish?
Interrupt the wash cycle by press- ing the
The cycle will start up from where you interrupted it.
Cycle end
The end of the wash cycle is indi- catedby2beepsand ENDflashes up on the display.
Turnknob"M"totheReset position and the 3 dashes for programming cancellationwillappear.
Turn the appliance off by pressing
Turn off the water tap.
Wait a few minutes before unload- ing the dishes: they are very hot! If youwaitalittlewhile,theydrybetter due to the steam.
Empty the lower basket first.
There's been a power failure or you opened the dishwasher door
The wash cycle stops and then restarts when the electricity comes backonorwhenyouclosethedoor.
Delaying the start of a programme.
Whenyouhaveloadedthedishes, youcanchoosewhentostartyour dishwasherbeforesettingthewash cycledesired.
Pressbutton"P"andyoucandelay the start of the wash cycle by 1 to 24 hours. Each time you press it, thenumberofhourswillappearin sequence on the counter "L" you choosewhenyouwantthecycleto start.
Indicatorlight"H"flashestoindicate that your dishwasher is awaiting instructions.Onthecounter"L",the countdowntothedelayedstarthas begun.
Half load.
Yourdishwasheralsoallowsyouto washhalfaload(usingonebasket), tosavewater,electricityanddeter- gent(useonlyhalftheamount).
Beforesettingawashcycle,press button "I". Each time you press it, youwillhearabeepandsymbol
(lower basket) appear on indicator"N".Pressthebuttononce moretoresetthebasketselection andthedishwasherwillagainbeset tousebothbaskets.
Eliminate the “extra” drying phase
if you wish to reduce the length of thewashcycleandperfectdryingis not your main priority, you can cancel the extra drying phase completely.
Firstly, turn knob “M” to the Reset position,thenselectthebasket/sto beusedanddelayedstartifrequired. Startthewashcycleasnormal.
Indicator“G”willshowsymbol when it has reached the drying phase. The symbol will flash for approximately 4 seconds. If you immediately press button “I”, the symbolwilldisappearandthedrying phasehasbeencancelled.