Small Cakes 220/230˚C 10-15 mins
190/200˚C approx. 20-25 mins
Temperature and Time Position in Oven
Runners 1 and 4
from bottom of oven
Sponge Sandwich
(fatless) 180/200˚C 7" tins 15-20 mins Runners 1 and 4
from bottom of oven
Swiss Roll 190/210˚C 10-15 mins Runner 4 from
bottom of oven
Semi-rich Cakes
(large) 160/180˚C 61/2 "-7" tins 11/4-11/2hrs
8"-9" tins 2-21/2 hrs Runner 2 from
bottom of oven
Christmas Cake 140/150˚C according to size and
richness of mixture Runner 3 from
bottom of oven
Milk Puddings
Baked Egg Custard 140/160˚C 2-21/2 hrs
140/160˚C 40-50 mins Runner 3 from
bottom of oven
Meringues 100/110˚C Large 31/2 -41/2hrs
Small 21/2 -3 hrs Runner 1 from
bottom of oven
Shortcrust Pastry
(Plate Tarts)
Puff Pastry
190/210˚C 45-50 mins
approx. 220˚C
Runners 1 and 4
from bottom of oven
Yorkshire Pudding
Individual Yorkshire
210/220˚C 40-45 mins
210/220˚C approx. 20 mins
Runner 5 from
bottom of oven
Bread (full oven)
Bread (single loaf) 230˚C 50-60 mins Reducing to
230˚C 45-50 mins 210/220˚C
after first
10 mins
Runners 1 and 4
from bottom of oven
Victoria Sandwich 170/190˚C
61/2 "-7" tins approx. 20 mins
8"-81/2 " tins approx. 30 mins
Runners 1 and 4
from bottom of oven
Note: When using two shelf positions at the same time (e.g. to bake two plate tarts, full
oven of bread etc.) tins should be interchanged half way through the cooking period.
When baking two trays of scones, small cakes, at the same time, the lower tray may
require to be baked for a few minutes longer than the top tray.
If soft tub margarine is used for cake making, temperatures recommended by the
manufacturers should be followed. Temperatures recommended in this chart refer to
cakes made with block margarine or butter only.
Oven Temperature Chart - Baking