Grill Chart
Pre - heat the grill for 5 minutes on maximum control setting before grillino
Food Grill Setting Approximate Cooking time
Toasting of Bread
products 63 - 10 mins.
Small cuts of meat,
sausages, bacon, etc. 5-6 15 - 20 mins.
Chops etc. Gammon
steaks Chicken
520 - 25 mins. Wire food support used in
uptur ned po sitio n for ch icken.
Fish: fingers W hole
Fillets 51 0 - 20 mins. Wh ole fish a nd fillets p laced in the
base of the grill pa n.
Fish in breadcrumbs 5 15 - 20 mins.
Pre - Cooked potato
products 5 15 - 20 mins.
Pizzas 5 12 - 15 mins. in the base of the grill pan.
Browning of fo od 6
8 - 10 mins. Dish placed directly on base of the
grill pan and pa n place d on the base of the gr ill
The settings in the above guide have been developed to cook food successfully without excessive fat spitting and