The Cooking Modesin your Oven
Your new appliance is equipped with a number of
different cooking modes:

Manual cooking modes

! All cooking modes have a default cooking
temperature which may be adjusted manually to a
value between 30°C and 250°C for TOP OVEN,
for GRILL mode- from 5% to 100%.
the newly selected temperature is lower than the
temperature inside the oven, the text “Hot” appears
on the display. However, it will still be possible to
start cooking.
Conventional Heating (Top Oven)
- with upper and lower heat. This system is particularly
suitable for roasting and baking on one shelf only.
Variable Grilling (Top Oven)
- the oven can also be used for conventional grilling
with a full or half width fully controllable grill.
Note: The Top Oven door should be fully open when
grilling. Temperature level can be modified in this
Traditional (Main Oven)
- the upper and rear heating elements are switched on
in this position. The traditional oven brings an
outstanding level of temperature distribution and
reduced consumption. In traditional cooking use only
one rack to ensure good heat distribution. By using the
various shelf positions available you can balance the
quantity of heat between the upper and lower part. If
cooking requires more heat from below or above, use
the lower or higher shelves respectively.
MULTILEVEL mode (Main Oven)
Since the heat remains constant throughout the
oven, the air cooks and browns food in a uniform
manner. A maximum of two racks may be used at
the same time.
Rising (Main Oven)
- this mode heats and holds the oven at 35-40°C. It is
ideal for proving bread and yeast based dough

Automatic cooking modes

! When the cooking stage has been reached, the
oven buzzer sounds.
! Do not open the oven door as this will disrupt the
cooking time and temperature.
This function is ideal for cooking desserts which are
made using natural yeast, baking powder and
desserts which contain no yeast. Place the dish in
the oven while it is still cold. The dish may also be
placed in a preheated oven.
BREAD mode
Use this function to bake bread. To obtain the best
results, we recommend that you carefully observe
the instructions below:
follow the recipe;
do not exceed the maximum weight of the
dripping pan;
remember to pour 50 g (0,5 dl) of cold water into
the baking tray in position 5.
The dough must be left to rise at room temperature
for 1 – 1 ½ hours (depending on the room
temperature) or until the dough has doubled in
Recipe for BREAD:
1 Dripping pan holding 1000 g Max, lower level
2 Dripping pans each holding 1000 g Max, medium
and lower levels
Recipe for 1000 g of dough: 600 g flour, 360 g
water, 11g salt, 25 g fresh yeast (or 2 sachets of
powder yeast)
Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl.
Dilute the yeast in lukewarm water (approximately
35 degrees).

When the temperature in the oven has

reached a certain level and

Note: The Top Oven door should be fully open whenNote: The Top Oven door should be fully open when
grilling. Temperature level can be modified in thisgrilling. Temperature level can be modified in this
between 80°C and 230°C for MAIN OVEN,
The maximum weight of the cake is about 700 g.
C.O.P.® (Programmed Optimal Cooking) system.
The cooking cycle stops automatically and the oven
indicates when the dish is cooked. You may start
cooking whether the oven has been preheated or
not. The cooking duration can be customised
according to personal taste by modifying the relevant
value - before cooking begins - by ±5/20 minutes
depending on the selected programme. The duration
can however be modified even once cooking has
begun. If the temperature inside the oven is higher
than the suggested value for the selected mode, the
text “Hot” appears on the display and it will not be
possible to begin cooking; wait for the oven to cool.