Typing Style | ◆ Are you training yourself to lighten up when you find you are pounding on the |
| keys? |
| ◆ If you are not a touch typist, have you been taking typing lessons? |
| ◆ Are you training your fingers to relax when they become tense? |
| ◆ Do you use your whole arm to reach for keys not located near the home row? |
Keyboard and | ◆ Is your keyboard positioned directly in front of you? |
Pointing Device | ◆ Are your keyboard height and slope adjusted so that your wrists are straight and |
| your shoulders relaxed? |
| ◆ If you are typing with the keyboard on your lap, are your shoulders relaxed and |
| your wrists straight? |
| ◆ If you are using a mouse or detached trackball, is it placed to the immediate right |
| or left of your keyboard? |
| ◆ If you are using a mouse or trackball, are you holding it loosely, with a relaxed |
| hand? |
| ◆ Do you let go of your pointing device when you are not using it? |
| ◆ Are you using a light touch when you click the buttons on your pointing device |
| (mouse, trackball, touchpad, or pointing stick)? |
| ◆ Are you cleaning your mouse or trackball frequently? |
Monitor | ◆ Is your monitor positioned in front of you and at a comfortable viewing distance, |
| about arm’s length? Or if you look at a paper document more than your monitor, |
| is your document holder in front of you with your monitor to one side? |
| ◆ Are the text and images on your monitor easily visible in a comfortably seated |
| position? |
| ◆ Have you eliminated glare and bright reflections on your monitor, without |
| compromising your posture? |
| ◆ Is your monitor’s entire viewing area located just below your eye height? |
| ◆ Is your monitor tilted so your face and the monitor are parallel? |
| ◆ Have you adjusted the brightness and contrast controls to improve the quality of |
| text and graphics? |
| ◆ Is your document holder positioned near the monitor, at the same distance, |
| height, and angle as the monitor? |
Safety and Comfort |